Understanding the Bidding System for YouTube Ads

Today, let’s talk about understanding the bidding system for YouTube ads. I often get asked about the cost of YouTube ads, and I want to break it down for you. Just like in a traditional auction, advertisers bid on specific videos, channels, and keywords to show their ads. YouTube considers both the highest bid and daily budgets when determining which ads to display. Advertisers only pay when viewers watch at least 10 seconds of their ad, and YouTube splits the revenue with channel owners. In this video, I’ll explain everything about YouTube ads, from costs to how advertisers work, and how YouTube and channels make money. I encourage you to ask questions, leave comments, and give the video a like. Just a friendly reminder, I don’t own YouTube, but it’s an important aspect to discuss.

The Basics of YouTube Ads

What are YouTube ads?

YouTube ads are advertisements that appear before, during, or after YouTube videos. They are a way for advertisers to reach a large audience and promote their products, services, or brand. YouTube ads can be in the form of video ads or display ads.

Types of YouTube ads

There are different types of YouTube ads that advertisers can choose from. The main types include:

  1. TrueView in-stream ads: These are skippable video ads that appear before, during, or after YouTube videos. Viewers have the option to skip the ad after 5 seconds.
  2. Non-skippable in-stream ads: These are 15-20 second video ads that viewers cannot skip. They appear before, during, or after YouTube videos.
  3. Bumper ads: These are 6-second video ads that cannot be skipped. They usually appear before YouTube videos.
  4. Overlay ads: These are display ads that appear on top of the video. They usually appear at the bottom of the video and can be closed by the viewer.
  5. Sponsored cards: These are display ads that appear as a small teaser within the video. They provide a link to related products or services.

How do YouTube ads work?

YouTube ads work by following a bidding system. Advertisers bid on specific videos, channels, or keywords to determine where their ads will be shown. The ads with the highest bids are typically shown first. However, YouTube also takes into consideration factors such as relevancy, user experience, and daily budgets. Advertisers only pay when viewers watch at least 10 seconds of their ad. YouTube splits the revenue generated from the ads with the YouTube channel owners.

Understanding the Bidding System

Introduction to the YouTube ads bidding system

The YouTube ads bidding system is similar to a traditional auction. Advertisers bid on specific videos, channels, or keywords to determine where their ads will be shown. The highest bidder gets the first placement, and the bidding prices can vary depending on competition and demand.

How does the bidding system work?

When an advertiser wants to run a YouTube ad, they set a maximum bid or the highest amount they are willing to pay for their ad placement. The bidding system then compares the bids from different advertisers and assigns the ad placements based on the highest bids. Advertisers only pay when viewers watch at least 10 seconds of their ad.

Factors considered in the bidding process

In addition to the bid amount, YouTube also considers other factors when determining ad placement. These factors include:

  1. Relevance: YouTube aims to show ads that are relevant to the viewer and enhance their overall experience on the platform. Advertisers with more relevant ads may have an advantage in the bidding process.
  2. User experience: YouTube wants to ensure that viewers have a positive experience when watching videos. Ads that disrupt the viewing experience or are considered intrusive may be placed lower in the bidding ranking.
  3. Daily budgets: YouTube takes into consideration the daily budgets set by advertisers. If an advertiser’s budget is exceeded, their ad placement may change, and other advertisers may have the opportunity to show their ads.

Bidding on Videos, Channels, and Keywords

Targeting options for advertisers

Advertisers have various targeting options when bidding on YouTube ads. They can target specific videos, channels, or keywords to reach their desired audience. By selecting relevant targeting options, advertisers can increase the chances of their ads being shown to the right viewers.

Bidding on specific videos

Advertisers can choose to bid on specific videos that are relevant to their products or services. By bidding on popular or highly-viewed videos, advertisers can reach a larger audience and increase brand visibility. It is important for advertisers to select videos that align with their target audience to maximize the effectiveness of their ads.

Bidding on popular YouTube channels

Another option for advertisers is to bid on popular YouTube channels. These channels usually have a large number of subscribers and regular viewers. Bidding on popular YouTube channels can help advertisers reach a specific target audience and increase brand exposure to a dedicated fanbase.

Bidding on keywords

Bidding on keywords allows advertisers to show their ads to viewers who are actively searching for related content. By targeting specific keywords, advertisers can reach people who are already interested in their products or services. This increases the likelihood of engagement and conversions.

Custom Data and Retargeting Ads

Uploading custom data for retargeting

Advertisers can upload custom data, such as email lists or customer information, to the YouTube ads platform. This allows them to retarget their ads to specific individuals or groups who have already shown interest in their brand. Retargeting ads can be a powerful tool to reach a warm audience and increase conversion rates.

Benefits of retargeting ads

Retargeting ads have several benefits for advertisers. They allow advertisers to:

  • Reach a highly targeted audience that has already shown interest in their brand.
  • Increase brand recall and recognition by showing ads to people who have interacted with their website or previous ads.
  • Improve conversion rates by re-engaging potential customers who may not have made a purchase initially.

How does retargeting work on YouTube?

When an advertiser uploads custom data to the YouTube ads platform, YouTube matches the data with user information. If there is a match, YouTube can show the advertiser’s ads to those specific users, even if they are watching unrelated videos. This allows advertisers to maintain visibility with their target audience and increase the chances of conversion.

Understanding Ad Placement

How YouTube determines ad placement

YouTube determines ad placement based on a combination of factors, including bidding price, relevancy, user experience, and daily budgets. Advertisers with higher bids may have their ads shown before those with lower bids. However, YouTube also takes into consideration the best interests of viewers and aims to provide a positive user experience.

The role of bidding in ad placement

Bidding plays a significant role in ad placement. Advertisers with higher bids have a better chance of securing top ad placements. However, other factors like relevancy and user experience are also considered. It is important for advertisers to find the right balance between bidding competitively and creating ads that resonate with their target audience.

Consideration of daily budgets

YouTube considers the daily budgets set by advertisers when determining ad placements. If an advertiser’s budget is exceeded, their ad placement may change, and other advertisers may have the opportunity to show their ads. Advertisers should carefully manage their budgets to ensure they get the most out of their ad campaigns.

Pricing and Payment

Pay-per-view vs pay-per-click

YouTube offers pay-per-view and pay-per-click options for advertisers. Pay-per-view means advertisers only pay when a viewer watches at least 10 seconds of their ad. Pay-per-click means advertisers pay when a viewer clicks on their ad. The payment model depends on the goals and preferences of the advertiser.

Minimum view duration for payment

To ensure fairness and accurate payment, YouTube requires a minimum view duration for advertisers to be charged. Advertisers are only charged if a viewer watches at least 10 seconds of their ad, signalling a higher level of engagement.

Factors affecting ad cost

Several factors can affect the cost of YouTube ads, including:

  • Bidding competition: The higher the competition for specific placements, the higher the costs can be.
  • Relevance: Ads that are more relevant to the target audience may have better performance, leading to lower costs.
  • View duration: Ads with a higher view duration or engagement may have better cost efficiency.
  • Targeting options: Highly specific targeting can increase costs but may also improve ad performance and conversion rates.

Splitting revenue between YouTube and channel owners

YouTube shares the revenue generated from ads with YouTube channel owners. The exact split between YouTube and the channel owner is not disclosed. Revenue sharing is a way to incentivize YouTube channel owners to create more content and attract more viewers, benefiting both the creators and the platform.

Earnings for YouTube Channel Owners

Determining potential earnings

The potential earnings for YouTube channel owners can vary depending on several factors:

  1. Audience size: Channels with a larger subscriber base and viewership have the potential to earn more. Advertisers are more likely to bid higher for ad placements on channels with a larger audience.
  2. Market relevance: The topic or niche of the channel can also impact earnings. Channels with content that appeals to a specific market or niche may attract advertisers who are willing to pay more for targeted exposure.

Factors influencing channel revenue

Several factors influence channel revenue for YouTube channel owners. These include:

  • Ad engagement: Channels with higher ad engagement, such as longer view durations or click-through rates, may generate higher revenue.
  • Advertiser demand: Channels that attract advertisers with higher budgets or competition may see increased revenue potential.
  • Content quality: Channels that consistently produce high-quality content may attract a larger and more engaged audience, leading to higher revenue potential.

Audience size and market relevance

The size of the channel’s audience and the relevance of its content to the market play a significant role in determining the earnings potential. Channels with a large and engaged audience, combined with content that appeals to advertisers, have the potential to earn higher revenue through YouTube ads.


Summary of YouTube ads bidding system

YouTube ads are a popular and effective way for advertisers to reach a large audience. The bidding system allows advertisers to bid on specific videos, channels, or keywords to determine where their ads will be shown. YouTube considers factors such as bidding price, relevancy, user experience, and daily budgets to determine ad placements.

Importance of understanding the system

Understanding how YouTube ads and the bidding system work is crucial for both advertisers and YouTube channel owners. Advertisers can optimize their ad campaigns for better performance and cost efficiency, while channel owners can strategize to attract advertisers and maximize their revenue potential.

Final thoughts

YouTube ads provide a platform for advertisers to reach a vast audience while allowing YouTube channel owners to monetize their content. The bidding system ensures fair ad placements and revenue sharing between YouTube and channel owners. By understanding the basics of YouTube ads and the bidding system, both advertisers and channel owners can make informed decisions to achieve their goals.