How To Start A Real Estate Marketing Software Company (With NO EXPERIENCE)

Today, I want to share with you a video titled “How To Start A Real Estate Marketing Software Company (With NO EXPERIENCE)” by Jason Wardrop. In this video, Jason Wardrop, who started his own successful real estate marketing software company, provides valuable insights and strategies for individuals interested in starting their own real estate marketing agency or for real estate coaches/brokers looking to offer additional services to their audience of real estate agents. The core benefits of having a software company in the real estate industry are highlighted, including saving time and money through automation, solving pain points, and generating leads. Jason offers bonuses for signing up with his affiliate link, such as access to his Agency Partner Program, weekly coaching calls, private community membership, and more. With a free 30-day trial and pay-as-you-profit pricing starting at $497 per month, Jason presents an alternative model that does not require extensive upfront investment or technical expertise. By following his strategies and utilizing the white label CRM software system provided, you can kickstart your own real estate marketing software company and potentially achieve profitability by acquiring just three clients.

Benefits of Starting a Real Estate Marketing Software Company

Starting a real estate marketing software company can offer several key benefits for entrepreneurs in the industry. Whether you are looking to start your own real estate marketing agency or have an existing audience of real estate agents, venturing into the software market can provide additional sources of recurring income. Here are some core benefits of having a software company in the real estate industry:

  1. Solve Pain Points: One of the primary goals of a software company is to solve pain points for a specific industry or target audience. In the real estate sector, agents often face challenges when it comes to lead generation and follow-up. By providing real estate agents with the right tools and automating manual tasks, you can save them time and money.

  2. Lead Generation: Every real estate agent needs more leads to grow their business. A real estate marketing software company can offer the necessary tools and resources to help agents generate leads effectively. Automating email, SMS, voicemail drops, phone calls, and Facebook Messenger can convert more leads into sales conversations and ultimately increase business opportunities.

  3. Appointment Booking: After generating leads, the next step is to convert them into appointments. Leveraging software can streamline the process of booking appointments on a real estate agent’s calendar. By automating this step, agents can focus on nurturing leads and augmenting their chances of closing deals.

  4. Lead Nurturing: The follow-up process is crucial in real estate. A monthly email newsletter can help nurture leads and maintain regular contact with potential clients. This keeps agents top-of-mind and increases the likelihood of booking appointments when leads are ready to make a real estate transaction.

Core Features and Capabilities of Real Estate Marketing Software

To start a real estate marketing software company, it’s important to understand the core features and capabilities that agents and agencies look for. When building your software, consider incorporating the following elements:

  1. Lead Generation Tools: The software should include a comprehensive set of lead generation tools such as customizable landing pages, ad campaigns, lead capture forms, and integration with popular lead sources like Zillow or

  2. Automation and CRM: Automation features are essential for real estate marketing software. Agents should be able to automate follow-up communications across various channels, including email, SMS, voicemail drops, phone calls, and Facebook Messenger. A built-in customer relationship management (CRM) system should also be included to manage leads and track interactions.

  3. Appointment Booking: The software should offer functionalities that allow agents to schedule appointments seamlessly. This can include integration with popular calendar platforms like Google Calendar, customizable booking forms, and automated email confirmations.

  4. Lead Nurturing: Providing agents with the ability to send personalized email newsletters to nurture leads is crucial. The software should offer easy-to-use email marketing features with customizable templates and automation capabilities.

  5. Analytics and Reporting: Agents need insights into their marketing efforts. The software should provide comprehensive analytics and reporting tools, allowing users to track the performance of their campaigns, measure conversion rates, and identify areas for improvement.

Traditional Model vs. New Model for Building a Marketing Software Company

Traditionally, building a marketing software company required significant upfront investments in hiring software developers, designers, and product managers. This approach was costly, often exceeding $100,000 just to develop an initial prototype. Furthermore, ongoing expenses included monthly salaries for developers and the need to raise substantial capital to sustain the business.

However, a new model has emerged, offering a more accessible and affordable approach for aspiring entrepreneurs. This model involves partnering with a white label CRM software system provider. In this scenario, you can customize the software with your own branding, domain, and payment processor. This eliminates the need for extensive development costs, as the core infrastructure is already in place.

By leveraging a white label CRM software system, you can start your real estate marketing software company with little to no experience or upfront capital. This model allows you to focus on acquiring clients and scaling your business without the burden of significant financial investments.

White Label CRM Software System and Customization Options

A white label CRM software system is a complete customer relationship management solution that can be rebranded and customized to fit your business needs. Partnering with a white label provider allows you to launch your own real estate marketing software company quickly and easily. Here are some key features and customization options available:

  1. Branding: You can customize the software with your own branding, including company name, logo, color scheme, and domain. This ensures that the software reflects your business identity and creates a seamless experience for your clients.

  2. Payment Processing: Integrating your own payment processor, such as Stripe, allows you to handle monthly recurring payments directly from your clients. This gives you control over your revenue stream and simplifies the billing process.

  3. User Interface Customization: The white label CRM software system should offer flexibility in terms of user interface customization. You should be able to tailor the software’s design and layout to align with your brand and provide a user-friendly experience for your clients.

  4. Integration Capabilities: The software should allow integration with other third-party tools and services commonly used in the real estate industry. This ensures that your clients can seamlessly connect their existing systems and workflows.

By utilizing a white label CRM software system and customizing it to your specifications, you can establish a unique brand presence in the real estate marketing software market. This approach saves time, lowers development costs, and allows you to focus on providing value to your clients.

Pricing and Profitability of a Real Estate Marketing Software Company

Determining the right pricing strategy for your real estate marketing software company is critical for long-term profitability. As you plan your pricing model, consider the following factors:

  1. Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to understand the pricing landscape for similar real estate marketing software solutions. Analyze the features, capabilities, and pricing plans offered by competitors to gain insights into industry standards.

  2. Value-Based Pricing: Consider adopting a value-based pricing approach. Determine the value your software brings to real estate agents and price accordingly. Assess the time and money savings your software provides to agents and factor that into your pricing strategy.

  3. Pricing Tiers: Offer different pricing tiers tailored to the needs of different types of real estate agents. Consider the size of their business, number of team members, and required features. Providing tiered pricing allows agents to choose the package that best suits their needs.

  4. Pay-As-You-Profit Model: One innovative pricing strategy is to implement a pay-as-you-profit model. Instead of charging a high upfront fee, structure your pricing so that clients only pay a percentage of their monthly revenue or a fixed fee once they achieve a certain profit threshold. This approach aligns your success with your clients’ success and removes financial barriers for potential customers.

Remember, the goal is to ensure profitability while remaining competitive in the market. Regularly review and adjust your pricing strategy to adapt to changing market conditions and customer needs.

Scaling Up and Managing a Growing Number of Clients

As your real estate marketing software company gains traction and acquires more clients, it’s essential to have systems in place to effectively scale and manage the growing number of users. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Infrastructure: Ensure your software infrastructure can handle the increasing influx of users and data. Scalability is crucial, as sudden spikes in client acquisition can strain your system. Partner with a reliable hosting provider or utilize cloud-based services to accommodate growth.

  2. Customer Support: Invest in a robust customer support system to address the needs of your expanding client base. Promptly respond to inquiries, provide technical assistance, and offer training resources to ensure client satisfaction.

  3. Account Management: Consider implementing an account management team dedicated to building strong relationships with your clients. Account managers can assist clients in maximizing the value of your software and provide ongoing support. This proactive approach improves retention rates and enhances the client experience.

  4. Continuous Improvement: Regularly collect feedback from your clients and leverage it to improve your software’s performance and feature set. Continuously update and enhance your product to stay ahead of the competition and meet evolving market demands.

By effectively scaling and managing your growing client base, you can ensure long-term success for your real estate marketing software company.

Support and Account Management for Real Estate Marketing Software

Providing exceptional support and account management is crucial to the success of your real estate marketing software company. A satisfied client base is more likely to stay loyal and advocate for your services. Here are some practices to consider:

  1. Responsive Communication: Ensure your company is easily accessible and responsive to client inquiries. Provide multiple channels for communication, such as email, live chat, and phone support. Aim to respond promptly and professionally to all client requests.

  2. Training Resources: Develop comprehensive training resources to help clients maximize the value of your software. Offer user guides, video tutorials, and webinars to educate users on the software’s features and functionalities. Empowering clients with knowledge enhances their experience and reduces the need for ongoing support.

  3. Dedicated Support Team: Establish a dedicated support team to handle client inquiries and technical issues. Train your support staff to be knowledgeable about the software and equipped to address client concerns effectively. Regularly review team performance and ensure client satisfaction levels are consistently high.

  4. Proactive Account Management: Assign dedicated account managers to work closely with clients. These account managers should understand their clients’ specific needs, provide strategic guidance, and facilitate ongoing support. Regular check-ins and account reviews help build strong relationships with clients and increase client retention rates.

By prioritizing support and account management, your real estate marketing software company can foster long-term client loyalty and maintain a positive reputation in the industry.

Free Training, Website Templates, and Sales Funnel Templates

As part of building your real estate marketing software company, offering additional resources and value to your clients can differentiate you from competitors and attract more customers. Here are some free resources you may consider providing:

  1. Training Materials: Develop free training materials, such as video tutorials or educational blog posts, to help clients effectively use your software and optimize their real estate marketing efforts. These resources can enhance client satisfaction and increase the value they derive from your services.

  2. Website Templates: Offer ready-made website templates tailored specifically for real estate agents. These templates can save agents time and money in designing and launching their websites. Templates should be customizable, mobile-friendly, and optimized for lead generation.

  3. Sales Funnel Templates: Provide pre-built sales funnel templates for real estate agents to use in their marketing campaigns. These templates outline the steps required to convert leads into customers and can be a valuable resource for agents seeking to streamline their lead generation and follow-up processes.

By offering these free resources, you demonstrate your commitment to supporting your clients’ success and become a trusted authority in the real estate marketing industry.

Exit Strategy for Real Estate Marketing Software Companies

Even if your real estate marketing software company is built on a third-party white label software, it is still possible to have an exit strategy and potentially sell your business for a profit. Here are some considerations:

  1. Build Value: Focus on building a valuable business by continuously improving your software, growing your client base, and cultivating a strong brand presence. Increasing the perceived value of your company attracts potential buyers and justifies a higher selling price.

  2. Strong Financial Metrics: Maintain accurate financial records and strive for profitability. Potential buyers will heavily consider the financial performance of your company when determining its value.

  3. Scalability and Growth Potential: Demonstrate that your software company has significant scalability and growth potential. Highlight your ability to acquire new clients, serve a larger market, and expand into new areas or sectors.

  4. Negotiate Strategic Partnerships: Seek out strategic partnerships with larger companies in the real estate industry. Positioning your business as an attractive acquisition target for these companies increases the likelihood of a profitable exit.

  5. Seek Professional Advice: Engage the services of business brokers or M&A advisors who specialize in technology or software companies. These professionals can help you navigate the selling process and negotiate favorable terms.

While building a real estate marketing software company, it is important to have a well-defined exit strategy in mind. Having a viable exit plan allows you to experience financial returns when the time is right to transition out of the business.


Starting a real estate marketing software company is an exciting endeavor that offers numerous benefits, including the ability to solve pain points for real estate agents, automate time-consuming tasks, and generate leads. By understanding the core features and capabilities required, as well as the different models for building a software company, you can pave the way for success. With the availability of white label CRM software systems, customization options, and strategic pricing and scaling strategies, entrepreneurs can establish and grow profitable real estate marketing software companies. By providing exceptional support, offering additional resources, and having an exit strategy in mind, you can strengthen your position in the market and achieve long-term success in this thriving industry.