Providing Facebook Ads And Online Reviews For Clients

In the video titled “How To Start A Digital Marketing Agency With NO MONEY!” by Jason Wardrop, he shares invaluable insights on how to begin and grow a digital marketing agency without any initial investment. Jason, who has successfully started and scaled his own agency, explains the crucial role a digital marketing agency plays in helping small businesses by providing marketing assistance to generate more leads and clients. He emphasizes the importance of choosing a niche and focusing on a specific industry, and offers various ways to attract clients, such as utilizing Facebook groups, attending networking events, and improving a business’s online presence through Google. Additionally, Jason outlines the choice between being a full-service agency or a software-as-a-service agency, discusses the significance of online reviews, and suggests using automation tools for effective task management. Viewers interested in delving deeper into the subject can access Jason’s free digital marketing agency course.

In this enlightening video, Jason Wardrop walks you through the step-by-step process of starting your own digital marketing agency from scratch, even if you have zero experience or funds at your disposal. He highlights the significance of niche selection and offer creation, and shares his personal success story of scaling his agency to earn up to $50,000 per month within just 90 days. Jason’s strategies involve leveraging Facebook ads, online reviews, and follow-up campaigns to help small local businesses attract more leads and clients. Whether you opt for a time-as-a-service agency or a software-as-a-service agency, Jason’s comprehensive guide will equip you with the necessary knowledge and tools to kickstart and grow your digital marketing agency.

What is a Digital Marketing Agency?

Definition of a digital marketing agency

A digital marketing agency is a company that specializes in providing marketing services to businesses, specifically through digital channels. These agencies help businesses increase their online presence, generate leads, and attract more customers by leveraging various digital marketing strategies and tactics.

Role of a digital marketing agency

The role of a digital marketing agency is to help small businesses effectively market their products or services to a wider audience. They assist businesses in creating and implementing digital marketing campaigns across different platforms such as social media, search engines, email marketing, and more. Digital marketing agencies use their expertise to develop tailored strategies, manage online advertising campaigns, optimize websites for search engines, and monitor and analyze performance data.

Benefits of hiring a digital marketing agency

  1. Expertise: Digital marketing agencies have a team of professionals experienced in different areas of digital marketing, such as social media, search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, and paid advertising. They have the knowledge and skills to develop effective strategies and execute them to achieve desired results.

  2. Cost-effectiveness: Hiring a digital marketing agency is often more cost-effective than hiring an in-house marketing team. With an agency, businesses can access a full team of specialists without the need to invest in training, salaries, benefits, or software tools.

  3. Time-saving: Running a successful digital marketing campaign requires time and effort. By outsourcing to a digital marketing agency, businesses can focus on other core aspects of their operations while leaving the marketing tasks to the experts.

  4. Access to advanced tools and technologies: Digital marketing agencies have access to a wide range of tools and technologies that can help businesses optimize their marketing efforts. These tools can provide valuable insights, automate tasks, and streamline processes, leading to better results and efficiency.

  5. Scalability: Digital marketing agencies can easily scale their services according to the needs of their clients. Whether a business requires a small local campaign or a larger national or international campaign, digital marketing agencies can adapt and deliver tailored solutions.

Choosing a Niche

Importance of picking a niche

Choosing a niche is crucial for the success of a digital marketing agency. By focusing on a specific industry or target market, agencies can position themselves as experts in that area. This specialization allows them to understand the unique challenges and trends within the niche, develop tailored strategies, and deliver more effective results for their clients.

Advantages of focusing on one specific industry

Focusing on one specific industry offers several advantages. Firstly, it allows for in-depth knowledge and expertise in the industry, enabling agencies to provide valuable insights and strategies. Secondly, it helps agencies build a strong reputation within the industry, making it easier to attract and retain clients. Finally, specializing in a specific industry allows for the development of industry-specific marketing tactics and campaigns, increasing the chances of success.

How to select a niche for your agency

When selecting a niche for your agency, consider your own interests and passions. Choose an industry that excites you and aligns with your expertise or experience. Research market demand and competition within the industry to ensure there is a viable market for your services. Determine the specific needs and pain points of businesses in that industry, and tailor your services to address those needs. Conduct market research and audience analysis to gain a deep understanding of the target audience within the niche. This information will help you create effective marketing strategies and campaigns that resonate with potential clients.

Services Offered by a Digital Marketing Agency

Overview of services offered

Digital marketing agencies offer a wide range of services to help businesses achieve their marketing goals. These services include:

  • Website design and development: Creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites that are optimized for conversions and search engine visibility.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO): Optimizing websites to improve organic search engine rankings and increase visibility in search results.
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising: Running targeted advertising campaigns on platforms like Google Ads and Bing Ads to drive traffic and generate leads.
  • Social media marketing: Managing social media accounts and developing strategies to engage with the target audience, build brand awareness, and drive customer engagement.
  • Content marketing: Creating and promoting high-quality, informative, and engaging content to attract and retain customers.
  • Email marketing: Building and managing email marketing campaigns to nurture leads, promote products or services, and drive conversions.
  • Online reputation management: Monitoring and managing online reviews, ensuring a positive online reputation for the business.
  • Analytics and reporting: Tracking and analyzing data to measure the success of marketing campaigns and making data-driven decisions for optimization.

Running Facebook ads for clients

One of the services offered by digital marketing agencies is running Facebook ads for clients. Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with a large user base and advanced targeting options. By running targeted ads on Facebook, agencies can help clients reach their ideal customers, increase brand visibility, and drive conversions. This involves creating compelling ad campaigns, selecting the right audience, setting up ad budgets, and monitoring and optimizing the performance of the ads.

Helping with online reviews and follow-up campaigns

Digital marketing agencies also assist businesses in managing their online reviews and implementing follow-up campaigns. Online reviews have a significant impact on a business’s reputation and credibility. Agencies help businesses gather positive reviews from satisfied customers and manage negative reviews through effective communication and resolution strategies. Additionally, they develop follow-up campaigns to engage with past clients and encourage them to become repeat customers, ultimately driving revenue growth.

Choosing between full-service agency or software-as-a-service agency

When selecting a digital marketing agency, businesses have the choice between a full-service agency or a software-as-a-service (SaaS) agency.

  • Full-service agency: A full-service agency offers a comprehensive range of marketing services, handling every aspect of the client’s marketing strategy. This includes strategy development, campaign planning and execution, content creation, advertising management, and reporting. Full-service agencies provide a hands-on approach and often work closely with the client throughout the entire process.

  • Software-as-a-service agency: A SaaS agency focuses on providing marketing tools and software to clients, enabling them to manage their marketing efforts more independently. These agencies offer access to a platform or suite of software tools that automate various marketing tasks, such as social media scheduling, email marketing, analytics, and more. SaaS agencies provide clients with the resources and support to execute their own campaigns while still offering guidance and assistance when needed.

The choice between a full-service agency and a SaaS agency depends on the business’s specific needs, resources, and preferred level of involvement in the marketing process.

Getting the First Clients

Three free methods to secure initial clients

When starting a digital marketing agency, it’s important to secure initial clients to build credibility and generate revenue. Here are three free methods to acquire the first clients:

  1. Using Facebook groups to find target customers: Join relevant Facebook groups where potential clients gather. Engage in discussions, provide valuable insights, and establish yourself as a knowledgeable expert in the field. Be proactive in offering free advice and solutions to their marketing challenges. This helps build trust and positions you as a valuable resource, increasing the chances of securing clients.

  2. Attending networking events to meet potential clients: Attend industry-specific networking events, conferences, or meetups where potential clients may be present. These events provide opportunities to connect and establish relationships with decision-makers and business owners. Prepare a brief introduction and be ready to pitch your services concisely and effectively. Remember to follow up with potential leads after the event to maintain communication and convert them into clients.

  3. Using Google to search for businesses in a specific industry: Utilize Google’s search engine to find businesses within your chosen niche. Conduct comprehensive research on these businesses to determine their digital marketing needs and pain points. Reach out to them directly via email or phone, offering your services and demonstrating how you can help solve their marketing challenges. Personalize your outreach efforts to show genuine interest and understanding of their unique circumstances.

Using Facebook groups to find target customers

Facebook groups can be a valuable resource for finding and connecting with potential customers for your digital marketing agency. Join groups relevant to your niche or industry, where businesses and professionals gather to discuss related topics, seek advice, and engage with others in the field. Ensure you choose active and high-quality groups with an engaged community.

To effectively utilize Facebook groups to find target customers:

  1. Research and join relevant groups: Search for Facebook groups using keywords related to your niche or target market. Look for active groups with a significant number of members and regular discussions. Join these groups.

  2. Establish your expertise: Once you join the groups, focus on demonstrating your knowledge and expertise in digital marketing. Engage in discussions, provide valuable insights, and answer questions related to your area of specialization. This helps build trust and credibility within the group.

  3. Share valuable content: Offer free advice and resources to group members. Share informative articles, guides, or case studies related to digital marketing. This positions you as a valuable resource and creates opportunities to connect with potential clients who may be seeking professional assistance.

  4. Network and connect: Actively engage with other members of the group by commenting on their posts, providing helpful feedback, and asking insightful questions. This helps you build relationships and establish connections with potential clients. Remember to be genuine and authentic in your interactions.

  5. Offer assistance and solutions: When you come across posts or comments in the group where members are seeking guidance or solutions for their marketing challenges, offer your assistance. Provide valuable insights and recommendations without promoting your services overtly. This showcases your expertise and can lead to direct inquiries about your digital marketing agency.

  6. Engage interested prospects privately: When potential clients show interest or reach out to you privately within the group, respond promptly and professionally. Offer personalized insights relevant to their specific situation and discuss how your agency can address their marketing needs. Arrange a call or meeting to further discuss their requirements and present your services in detail.

By actively participating in Facebook groups, showcasing your expertise, and building authentic relationships, you can establish your agency as a trusted provider of digital marketing services.

Attending networking events to meet potential clients

Networking events offer excellent opportunities to meet potential clients for your digital marketing agency. Whether it’s industry-specific conferences, seminars, trade shows, or local meetups, these events bring together professionals from different industries, including potential clients who may be seeking assistance in improving their digital marketing strategies.

To effectively leverage networking events to meet potential clients:

  1. Identify relevant events: Research and identify networking events that attract your target audience and potential clients. Look for events that focus on industries you specialize in or events that are specifically geared towards marketing professionals.

  2. Prepare your pitch: Develop a concise and compelling pitch that highlights the value your agency can provide to potential clients. Clearly communicate your expertise, unique selling points, and success stories in helping businesses achieve their marketing goals.

  3. Be approachable and engaging: Actively approach and engage with attendees at the event. Be friendly, confident, and genuinely interested in learning about their businesses and marketing challenges. Listen actively and offer insights or suggestions that showcase your expertise.

  4. Exchange contact information: When engaging with potential clients, exchange contact information to stay connected after the event. Exchange business cards, connect on LinkedIn, or use other digital means to ensure you have a way to follow up and continue the conversation.

  5. Follow up after the event: Within a few days of the event, send personalized follow-up emails or messages to the potential clients you connected with. Reference your conversation and express your interest in further discussing how your agency can benefit their business. Offer to schedule a call or meeting to explore collaboration opportunities.

Networking events provide an opportunity to establish meaningful connections and build relationships with potential clients. By showcasing your expertise and effectively communicating the value your agency can bring, you increase your chances of converting these connections into clients.

Using Google to search for businesses in a specific industry

Google can be a powerful tool for finding potential clients within your chosen niche or industry. By conducting targeted searches, you can identify businesses that are in need of digital marketing services and reach out to them directly.

Here’s how you can effectively use Google to search for businesses in a specific industry:

  1. Define your search criteria: Determine the specific industry or niche you want to target. Consider factors such as location, size of the business, or specific services they offer. This will help narrow down your search and allow you to identify businesses that align with your agency’s expertise.

  2. Use relevant search queries: Utilize various search queries to explore businesses within your niche. Start with general terms related to the industry, such as “dentists in [location]” or “real estate agents in [location].” Refine your search queries to find businesses that match your ideal client profile.

  3. Review search results: Go through the search results and click on the websites of potential clients that appear in the organic search rankings. Assess the quality of their website, their online presence, and their current marketing efforts. Take note of businesses that seem to have room for improvement or may benefit from your services.

  4. Research businesses in detail: Visit the websites of the potential clients you identified and gather more information about their business. Understand their unique challenges, target audience, and current marketing strategies. Look for areas where your agency can add value and make a difference.

  5. Reach out with a personalized offer: Contact the businesses you identified through email, phone, or their preferred communication channel. Introduce your agency, highlight your expertise in their industry, and offer a personalized solution to their marketing challenges. Clearly communicate the benefits your agency can provide and how it can help them achieve their goals.

  6. Follow up and nurture leads: After initial outreach, follow up with potential clients to maintain communication and build rapport. Offer additional insights or case studies that demonstrate the value your agency can bring. Nurture the leads and provide ongoing support until they are ready to engage your services.

By utilizing targeted Google searches, you can find businesses that are actively seeking digital marketing assistance and position your agency as a reliable solution provider.

Attracting More Clients

Various strategies to attract more clients

Attracting more clients is crucial for the growth and success of a digital marketing agency. By implementing various strategies, agencies can increase their visibility, establish credibility, and attract a steady stream of potential clients. Here are some effective strategies to consider:

  1. Content marketing: Produce high-quality and informative content that showcases your agency’s expertise. Create blog posts, videos, podcasts, or infographics that provide valuable insights, tips, and solutions to common marketing challenges. Share this content on your agency’s website, social media platforms, and relevant industry forums to attract potential clients.

  2. Search engine optimization (SEO): Optimize your agency’s website and content to improve its visibility in search engine results. Conduct keyword research to identify the terms potential clients are searching for and incorporate those keywords strategically into your website and content. Focus on building high-quality backlinks to increase your website’s authority and rankings.

  3. Utilize social media: Leverage social media platforms to showcase your agency’s work, share success stories, and engage with potential clients. Create engaging and shareable content that resonates with your target audience. Engage in conversations, respond to comments and messages, and actively participate in relevant industry-related discussions.

  4. Referral programs: Establish a referral program that incentivizes your existing clients, industry partners, or satisfied customers to refer new clients to your agency. Offer rewards, discounts, or exclusive benefits for successful referrals. This can help generate leads and expand your client base through word-of-mouth marketing.

  5. Collaborate with complementary businesses: Form partnerships or collaborations with other businesses or professionals that complement your services. For example, if you specialize in social media marketing, partner with a web design agency or a content marketing specialist. By offering complementary services, you can refer clients to each other and expand your reach.

  6. Attend industry conferences and events: Participate in industry conferences, seminars, or trade shows to showcase your agency, network with potential clients, and establish your presence in the industry. Consider speaking opportunities or hosting workshops to position yourself as an expert and generate leads.

  7. Offer value through free resources: Create free resources such as ebooks, templates, checklists, or courses that provide valuable insights and actionable advice related to digital marketing. Offer these resources as lead magnets on your website to capture potential clients’ contact information. Use this information to nurture leads and convert them into clients.

  8. Optimize your agency’s website: Ensure that your agency’s website is user-friendly, visually appealing, and optimized for conversions. Clearly communicate your services, pricing, and success stories. Use compelling calls-to-action to encourage potential clients to contact you or request more information.

  9. Leverage email marketing: Build an email list of potential clients and existing contacts interested in your services. Develop email marketing campaigns that provide valuable content and personalized offers. Nurture leads through a series of automated emails that highlight your agency’s expertise and success stories.

  10. Monitor and leverage online reviews: Regularly monitor online reviews of your agency. Encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews on platforms such as Google My Business, Facebook, or industry-specific review sites. Leverage positive reviews as testimonials to showcase your agency’s credibility and attract potential clients.

By implementing these strategies consistently and measuring their effectiveness, digital marketing agencies can attract a steady stream of qualified leads and convert them into long-term clients.

Importance of online reviews

Online reviews have a significant impact on businesses, including digital marketing agencies. Positive reviews can act as social proof, improve a business’s reputation, and attract potential clients. On the other hand, negative reviews can harm a business’s credibility and discourage potential clients from seeking their services.

Here are some reasons why online reviews are important:

  1. Establishing trust and credibility: Positive reviews from satisfied clients showcase the value and quality of the agency’s services. Prospective clients are more likely to trust an agency with a track record of positive reviews from previous clients.

  2. Word-of-mouth marketing: Online reviews have a similar effect to word-of-mouth recommendations. Potential clients are likely to trust the opinions of other clients who have already experienced the agency’s services. Positive reviews can encourage potential clients to choose the agency over competitors.

  3. Improved search engine visibility: Online reviews, particularly on platforms such as Google My Business or Yelp, contribute to a business’s local search engine rankings. Positive reviews can enhance a business’s visibility in search results, making it easier for potential clients to find the agency.

  4. Feedback for improvement: Reviews, both positive and negative, provide valuable feedback for the agency. Positive reviews highlight what aspects of the agency’s services are working well and can be used as testimonials. Negative reviews present an opportunity for the agency to address issues, improve their services, and demonstrate a commitment to client satisfaction.

Increasing positive reviews

To increase positive reviews for your digital marketing agency, consider the following strategies:

  1. Ask for reviews: After completing a successful project or engagement, politely ask satisfied clients to leave a review. Provide them with clear instructions on how and where to leave the review. This can be done through email, personal follow-up calls, or automated review request emails.

  2. Make it easy to leave reviews: Streamline the process of leaving reviews by providing direct links or buttons that lead to review platforms such as Google My Business, Facebook, or industry-specific review sites. Ensure that the review process is simple, quick, and user-friendly.

  3. Offer incentives: Consider offering incentives or rewards to clients who leave reviews. This can be in the form of a discount on future services, exclusive content or resources, or entry into a prize draw. However, be cautious and avoid any practices that may violate review platform guidelines, such as offering monetary compensation for reviews.

  4. Respond promptly and professionally to reviews: Actively monitor and respond to all reviews, both positive and negative. Express gratitude to clients who leave positive reviews, acknowledging their feedback and showing appreciation for their support. For negative reviews, respond with empathy, address the client’s concerns, and demonstrate a willingness to resolve any issues.

  5. Share positive reviews as testimonials: Highlight positive reviews on your agency’s website, social media platforms, and other marketing channels. Showcase these testimonials to demonstrate the value your agency can bring to potential clients. Testimonials provide social proof and encourage trust in potential clients.

Remember that the best way to generate positive reviews is by consistently delivering exceptional services and prioritizing client satisfaction. This establishes a positive reputation for your agency and encourages clients to share their positive experiences.

Managing and responding to reviews

Managing and responding to reviews is an essential aspect of maintaining a positive online reputation for your digital marketing agency. Here are some best practices:

  1. Monitor review platforms: Regularly monitor review platforms such as Google My Business, Facebook, Yelp, or industry-specific review sites. Set up alerts or notifications to stay informed when new reviews are posted. Promptly address both positive and negative reviews.

  2. Respond promptly: Aim to respond to reviews within 24-48 hours. Prompt responses show that you value client feedback and are actively engaged with your online reputation. Delayed responses may give the impression that you are not attentive or responsive to client concerns.

  3. Be professional and empathetic: When responding to reviews, maintain a professional tone and demonstrate empathy. Thank clients for their feedback, regardless of whether it was positive or negative. Address any issues or concerns raised by the client and offer solutions or assistance. Show that you are committed to client satisfaction.

  4. Deal with negative reviews constructively: Instead of getting defensive or argumentative, take a constructive approach when responding to negative reviews. Acknowledge the client’s concerns and express a willingness to resolve any issues. Offer to continue the conversation offline to discuss the matter further and find a satisfactory resolution.

  5. Showcase positive reviews as testimonials: Highlight positive reviews on your agency’s website, marketing materials, and social media platforms. Use these testimonials as social proof and showcase the quality of your agency’s services. This helps build trust and credibility among potential clients.

  6. Learn from feedback: Reviews, both positive and negative, provide valuable insights into your agency’s strengths and areas for improvement. Use the feedback received to fine-tune your services, address any recurring issues, and continuously enhance the client experience.

  7. Encourage clients to review: Actively encourage clients to leave reviews by mentioning it in your communication, follow-up emails, or promotional materials. Make it easy for clients to leave reviews by providing direct links or instructions on where and how to leave feedback.

  8. Use reviews for marketing purposes: Incorporate positive reviews and testimonials in your marketing materials, case studies, and proposals. Use them to demonstrate your agency’s track record of success and the value you bring to clients.

By effectively managing and responding to reviews, your agency can build a positive online reputation, attract potential clients, and maintain strong relationships with existing clients.

Leveraging reviews for brand reputation

Online reviews play a crucial role in shaping a brand’s reputation. Positive reviews can enhance a business’s image, improve credibility, and attract potential clients. Leveraging reviews effectively can help establish your digital marketing agency as a reputable and trustworthy service provider. Here are some ways to leverage reviews for brand reputation:

  1. Use reviews in marketing materials: Incorporate positive reviews and testimonials in your agency’s marketing materials, such as website content, social media posts, case studies, and brochures. Highlight these reviews to showcase the successes and positive experiences of your clients. Use appealing graphics or design elements to make the reviews visually appealing and easily shareable.

  2. Feature reviews on your website: Create a dedicated section on your agency’s website to showcase reviews and testimonials. Consider using client logos and photos alongside their reviews to add authenticity and credibility. Update this section regularly to include new reviews and testimonials as they come in.

  3. Share reviews on social media: Regularly share positive reviews on your agency’s social media platforms. Choose compelling excerpts from reviews and pair them with relevant visuals or graphics. Encourage clients to share their reviews on their own social media channels, tagging your agency’s account. This can amplify the reach of your reviews and attract a wider audience.

  4. Craft case studies based on client successes: Use positive reviews as the foundation for creating in-depth case studies. Highlight the specific challenges faced by your clients, the strategies employed by your agency, and the quantifiable results achieved. Case studies provide concrete evidence of your agency’s ability to deliver results and can be used in sales presentations or proposals.

  5. Respond to reviews professionally and courteously: When responding to reviews, maintain a professional and courteous tone. Express gratitude for the feedback and reinforce your commitment to client satisfaction. Responding to both positive and negative reviews shows that your agency values client input and is actively engaged with its online reputation.

  6. Request video testimonials: Video testimonials are highly engaging and can have a significant impact on prospective clients. Reach out to satisfied clients and request their willingness to record a short testimonial video. Ask them to discuss their positive experiences with your agency, the results they achieved, and how your services benefited their business. Feature these video testimonials on your website and social media platforms.

  7. Leverage positive reviews during the sales process: When pitching your agency’s services to potential clients, share positive reviews as social proof of your expertise and the value you bring. Reference specific reviews that highlight success stories or clients with similar challenges to the prospects you are targeting. This can increase trust and confidence in your agency from potential clients.

Remember to obtain permission from clients before featuring their reviews or testimonials publicly. Respect their privacy and ensure compliance with any applicable privacy laws or industry regulations.

By effectively leveraging reviews, your digital marketing agency can reinforce its reputation, establish credibility, and attract more clients who are confident in the quality of your services.

Google My Business Messaging

Utilizing Google My Business platform

Google My Business (GMB) is a free platform provided by Google that allows businesses to manage their online presence on Google Search and Maps. As a digital marketing agency, leveraging the GMB platform can enhance your agency’s visibility and help potential clients find your services more easily.

Here’s how to effectively utilize the Google My Business platform:

  1. Claim and optimize your listing: Claim your agency’s listing on Google My Business if you haven’t already. Fill in all the relevant information, such as your agency’s name, address, phone number, website, and operating hours. Use high-quality images that represent your agency and its services. Ensure that your listing is complete and accurately reflects your agency’s branding.

  2. Encourage client reviews: Actively encourage your clients to leave reviews on your GMB listing. Positive reviews help build trust and credibility among potential clients. Respond promptly and professionally to all reviews, showcasing your commitment to client satisfaction. Regularly monitor and manage your agency’s online reputation on Google My Business.

  3. Post updates and content: Use the “Posts” feature on Google My Business to share updates, news, or special offers from your agency. Keep your clients and potential clients informed about your latest services, case studies, events, or relevant industry news. This helps engage your audience and keeps your agency top of mind.

  4. Utilize messaging feature: Leverage the messaging feature on GMB to have direct conversations with potential clients. This feature allows potential clients to send messages to your agency directly from your Google listing, making it convenient for them to inquire about your services or request more information.

Setting up messaging feature

To set up the messaging feature on Google My Business:

  1. Log in to your Google My Business account.

  2. Click on the location for which you want to enable messaging.

  3. In the left sidebar, click on “Messaging.”

  4. Enter the phone number or set up a separate phone number that potential clients can use to contact your agency. Ensure that it is a phone number that is actively monitored and can receive messages.

  5. Customize your message by setting up a welcome message or an automated response. This message should provide a brief introduction to your agency, a thank you for reaching out, and instructions on how to proceed with the conversation.

  6. Save your settings and ensure that the message feature is properly enabled.

Engaging with potential clients

Once the messaging feature is set up, it’s important to engage with potential clients who reach out to your agency through Google My Business. Responding promptly and professionally can make a positive impression and encourage potential clients to continue the conversation. Here are some best practices for engaging with potential clients:

  1. Respond in a timely manner: Aim to respond to messages within 24 hours. Prompt responses show that your agency is attentive and responsive to client inquiries. Delayed responses may cause potential clients to lose interest or seek services elsewhere.

  2. Be professional and friendly: Maintain a professional and friendly tone in your messages. Introduce yourself, thank the potential client for reaching out, and express your willingness to assist them. Keep the conversation professional and focused on their needs.

  3. Provide relevant information: Answer any questions or inquiries from potential clients with accurate and detailed information. Provide information about your agency’s services, pricing, process, and previous successes. Tailor your responses to address their specific concerns and showcase how your agency can meet their needs.

  4. Offer a call-to-action: Encourage potential clients to take the next step in the process by offering a call-to-action. This may include scheduling a consultation, providing additional resources such as case studies or testimonials, or inviting them to visit your agency’s website for more information.

  5. Personalize the conversation: Where possible, personalize your messages based on the information available. Use the potential client’s name or reference specific details they provided in their initial inquiry. This shows that you are attentive and genuinely interested in their needs.

  6. Maintain confidentiality and privacy: Protect the privacy and confidentiality of potential clients. Avoid discussing sensitive or confidential information through the messaging feature. If necessary, consider moving the conversation to a more secure communication method such as email or phone.

  7. Be proactive in follow-up: If a potential client does not respond to your initial message, follow up with a polite reminder. Timing is key to ensure you maintain engagement without being overly persistent. Demonstrate your interest in helping them and provide any additional information they may need.

Converting leads through messaging

Converting leads through the messaging feature on Google My Business requires an effective communication strategy. Here are some tips to help convert leads into clients:

  1. Understand their needs: During the conversation, actively listen to and understand the potential client’s needs. Ask questions to gather more information and tailor your responses accordingly. This demonstrates your agency’s commitment to solving their specific challenges.

  2. Offer personalized solutions: Based on the information gathered, provide personalized solutions that align with the potential client’s needs and goals. Showcase your agency’s expertise and present concrete examples of how your services can benefit their business.

  3. Showcase past successes: Share relevant case studies, client testimonials, or success stories that demonstrate your agency’s track record of delivering results. Highlight how your services have helped similar businesses achieve their marketing goals.

  4. Navigate objections or concerns: If potential clients express doubts or raise objections, address their concerns promptly and transparently. Provide additional information, proof, or clarification to alleviate any apprehensions. Tailor your responses to address their specific objections and position your agency as a trusted partner.

  5. Offer a clear call-to-action: Guide potential clients through the next steps in the process. Offer a clear call-to-action, such as scheduling a consultation, providing a proposal, or signing up for your services. Ensure the next steps are easily accessible and clearly communicated.

  6. Maintain a professional and helpful tone: Throughout the conversion process, maintain a professional and helpful tone in your communications. Provide timely responses, demonstrate expertise, and show a genuine desire to help the potential client. This builds trust and fosters a positive impression of your agency.

By effectively engaging with potential clients and providing personalized solutions through the messaging feature on Google My Business, you can convert leads into long-term clients.

Choosing Between Full-Service and Software-as-a-Service

Understanding the differences

Choosing between operating a full-service digital marketing agency or a software-as-a-service (SaaS) agency requires an understanding of the key differences between the two models.

Full-service agency:

  • Offers a comprehensive range of marketing services
  • Provides hands-on support and expertise throughout the entire marketing process
  • Works closely with clients to develop strategies, execute campaigns, and monitor performance
  • Typically charges higher fees due to the level of personalization and involvement

Software-as-a-Service agency:

  • Offers marketing tools and software to clients
  • Provides clients with access to a platform or suite of tools to manage their own marketing efforts
  • Offers guidance and support, but clients have more control and responsibility for execution
  • Typically charges lower fees due to the scalability and automation provided by the software tools

Pros and cons of full-service model

Pros of the full-service model:

  • Hands-on approach: Clients receive personalized attention and support throughout the marketing process.
  • Expertise and guidance: Full-service agencies have a team of specialists who can provide valuable insights and strategic recommendations.
  • Customization: Services can be tailored to the unique needs and goals of each client, leading to more effective results.
  • Relationship building: Working closely with clients fosters strong relationships and long-term partnerships.

Cons of the full-service model:

  • Higher costs: Full-service agencies often charge higher fees due to the level of involvement and personalization.
  • Limited scalability: The hands-on nature of full-service agencies can limit their ability to scale and take on a large number of clients.
  • Reliance on agency expertise: Clients may become dependent on the agency for all their marketing needs and lack the knowledge or resources to manage certain aspects independently.

Pros and cons of software-as-a-service model

Pros of the software-as-a-service model:

  • Lower costs: SaaS agencies typically charge lower fees compared to full-service agencies, making their services more accessible to a wider range of businesses.
  • Scalability: SaaS agencies can accommodate a larger number of clients and scale their operations more easily due to the automated nature of their tools.
  • Client empowerment: Clients have more control and ownership of their marketing efforts, which can promote a sense of ownership and involvement.
  • Efficiency: Software tools automate tasks, streamline processes, and increase efficiency, reducing the time and effort required for campaign execution.

Cons of the software-as-a-service model:

  • Limited customization: Clients may have limited flexibility in customizing their marketing strategies as they work within the framework of the software tools provided.
  • Learning curve: Clients need to invest time and effort in learning how to effectively use the software tools and may require additional training or support.
  • Lack of hands-on support: While guidance and support are offered, SaaS agencies may not provide the same level of hands-on assistance as full-service agencies.
  • Reduced personalization: Due to the automated nature of the software tools, some clients may feel a lack of personalized attention or customization.

Factors to consider when making a choice

When deciding between a full-service model or a software-as-a-service model for your digital marketing agency, consider the following factors:

  1. Client needs and preferences: Assess the needs and preferences of your target clients. Some may prefer a personalized and hands-on approach, while others may prefer more control and autonomy over their marketing efforts.

  2. Agency capabilities and resources: Evaluate your agency’s capabilities, expertise, and resources. Determine if you have the necessary infrastructure and team to support a full-service model or if a SaaS model aligns better with your agency’s strengths and resources.

  3. Target market and competition: Consider the current market demand and competition in your niche. Assess the availability of full-service agencies and SaaS agencies in your target market. Evaluate the viability and potential for growth in each model.

  4. Scalability and growth potential: Consider the future growth potential of your agency. Determine if scalability is a priority and if a SaaS model would better accommodate a larger client base.

  5. Profitability and pricing strategy: Analyze the profitability of each model and the pricing strategy that aligns with your agency’s financial goals. Consider the costs associated with each model, including overhead, software licensing fees, and labor.

  6. Client retention and satisfaction: Evaluate how each model may impact client retention and satisfaction. Consider the level of personalization, support, and expertise that clients require to achieve their marketing goals and maintain long-term relationships.

Ultimately, the choice between a full-service model and a software-as-a-service model depends on a combination of factors unique to your agency, target market, and client preferences.


In conclusion, starting and running a successful digital marketing agency requires careful planning, strategic decision-making, and effective execution. By focusing on a specific niche, offering valuable and tailored services, and implementing effective marketing strategies, agencies can attract and retain clients.

Choosing between a full-service agency or a software-as-a-service agency depends on factors such as client needs, scalability, expertise, and pricing strategy. Both models have their pros and cons, and agencies should consider their capabilities, resources, and target market when making a decision.

The importance of online reviews, leveraging Google My Business messaging, and utilizing effective marketing strategies like Facebook ads cannot be understated. These strategies can help agencies attract and convert more clients, enhance brand reputation, and achieve long-term success.

As the digital marketing landscape continues to evolve, agencies should adapt to new trends and advancements in the industry. Staying up to date with emerging technologies, platforms, and strategies will keep agencies at the forefront and ensure they continue to provide valuable and effective digital marketing services.

By applying these insights and strategies, aspiring and established digital marketing agencies can set themselves up for growth, profitability, and success in the competitive digital marketing industry.