Review of Go High Level CRM Platform

In the video titled “Review of Go High Level CRM Platform” by Jason Wardrop, he provides an honest and insightful review of the Go High Level CRM platform. As an affiliate for Go High Level, he shares his personal experience with their affiliate commission structure, highlighting its success. However, he also mentions a new software update called Sas mode, which makes white labeling the platform more profitable than promoting it as an affiliate. By white labeling, users can benefit from higher commission rates and the opportunity to charge clients for using the software. Jason advises against promoting Go High Level as an affiliate unless you already have an existing audience in a specific industry. The video offers valuable coaching and bonuses for signing up under Jason’s affiliate link.

In this informative video, Jason Wardrop, an affiliate for Go High Level, breaks the norm and provides an honest review of the CRM platform. He explains how Go High Level is a software platform for marketing agencies, supporting businesses with their marketing and lead generation efforts. Jason highlights the generous commission structure for affiliates, with a 40% commission on a monthly recurring basis, along with additional commissions for Tier 2 affiliates. However, he suggests that for those without a following of marketing agency owners, it may be more profitable to white label the platform under the new Sas mode update. By doing so, users can charge clients for using the software and earn higher commission rates. Jason cautions against promoting Go High Level as an affiliate without an existing audience in a specific industry and encourages viewers to consider white labeling the platform instead. He also promises coaching and bonuses for those who sign up under his affiliate link.

Overview of Go High Level CRM Platform

Introduction to Go High Level

Go High Level is a comprehensive CRM platform designed to assist marketing agencies in managing their clients’ marketing and lead generation efforts. It offers a wide range of features and benefits that make it an attractive option for businesses looking to streamline their processes and increase their efficiency.

Features of Go High Level

Go High Level offers a multitude of features that cater to the needs of marketing agencies. These include lead generation tools, email marketing capabilities, SMS marketing, funnel building, customer relationship management, and more. The platform provides a centralized hub for agencies to track and manage their client’s marketing campaigns.

Benefits of using Go High Level

There are several benefits to using Go High Level as a CRM platform. Firstly, it provides a seamless integration of multiple marketing tools, saving businesses time and effort in managing various platforms. Additionally, Go High Level offers automation features that streamline processes, increase productivity, and improve overall efficiency. The platform also provides reporting and analytics tools that help agencies track the success of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

Target audience of Go High Level

The target audience for Go High Level is primarily marketing agencies that serve small to medium-sized businesses. These agencies can leverage the platform’s features and benefits to enhance their client’s marketing efforts and achieve better results. Go High Level is particularly suitable for agencies operating in specific industries, such as real estate, mortgage, dental, insurance, and more.

Software Update: Sas Mode

Explanation of Sas Mode

Sas Mode is a new software update introduced by Go High Level. It allows users to white label the entire platform, providing them with the ability to customize and brand the software as their own. This update enables businesses to offer the CRM platform as a service to their clients, enhancing the overall value proposition.

Advantages of using Sas Mode

There are several advantages to utilizing Sas Mode within the Go High Level platform. One significant advantage is that it allows businesses to increase their commission rates. By white labeling the platform, businesses can charge clients directly for using the software, resulting in higher profit margins. Additionally, businesses have the flexibility to set their own price points, enabling them to maximize their revenue potential.

Potential profitability of Sas Mode

Sas Mode can significantly impact the profitability of businesses using the Go High Level platform. By white labeling the software and charging clients for its use, businesses can generate substantial profits. With the ability to customize and brand the platform, businesses can create a unique offering in the market, attracting more clients and increasing their revenue streams.

Comparison with previous versions

Sas Mode represents a significant upgrade from previous versions of Go High Level. It introduces a new level of flexibility and customization that was not available before. By offering businesses the option to white label the platform, Go High Level has created a new revenue stream and enhanced the overall value proposition for its users.

White Labeling the Platform

Definition of white labeling

White labeling is the process of rebranding a product or service as your own. In the context of Go High Level, it means that businesses can customize and brand the CRM platform with their own logo, colors, and branding elements. This allows businesses to present the software as if it were their own product, providing a seamless experience for their clients.

Increased commission rates

One of the key advantages of white labeling the Go High Level platform is the ability to increase commission rates. By charging clients directly for using the software, businesses can generate higher profit margins. This can have a significant impact on the overall profitability of businesses utilizing the platform.

Ability to charge clients

White labeling the Go High Level platform gives businesses the freedom to charge clients for its use. This creates an additional revenue stream for businesses, allowing them to monetize the software and generate more income. By offering the CRM platform as a service, businesses can enhance their value proposition and attract more clients.

Flexibility and customization

White labeling the Go High Level platform provides businesses with a high level of flexibility and customization. They can tailor the platform to meet their specific branding and design requirements, creating a unique and personalized experience for their clients. This flexibility allows businesses to differentiate themselves in the market and offer a product that aligns with their brand identity.

Affiliate Commission Structure

Speaker’s experience as an affiliate

The speaker in the video has had success as an affiliate for Go High Level. They have been able to sign up nearly 300 people under their affiliate link, earning a recurring commission of 40% for each referral. The speaker’s experience demonstrates the potential profitability of the affiliate program offered by Go High Level.

Benefits of the affiliate program

The Go High Level affiliate program offers several benefits to participants. Affiliates can earn a generous commission of 40% on a monthly recurring basis for each referral they bring in. Additionally, they can earn a 5% commission on the referrals made by their Tier 2 affiliates. The program provides a lucrative opportunity for individuals to monetize their network and earn passive income.

Comparison with other CRM platforms

Compared to other CRM platforms, Go High Level offers a highly competitive affiliate commission structure. Many CRM platforms offer lower commission rates or do not have an affiliate program at all. The high commission rates of Go High Level make it an attractive option for individuals looking to generate significant income through affiliate marketing.

Considerations before becoming an affiliate

Before becoming an affiliate for Go High Level, there are a few considerations that individuals should keep in mind. It is important to have an existing audience, particularly in a specific industry or niche. This ensures that there is a target audience to promote the CRM platform to. Additionally, individuals should evaluate the potential profitability of white labeling the platform, as it may offer higher commission rates compared to promoting it as an affiliate.

Target Audience for Promoting Go High Level

Importance of having an existing audience

Having an existing audience is crucial when promoting Go High Level. Without an audience, it can be challenging to effectively market the CRM platform and generate referrals. An existing audience provides a foundation for promoting the product and greatly increases the chances of success.

Specific industries and niches

To effectively promote Go High Level, it is essential to identify specific industries and niches to target. This allows for a more targeted and tailored approach, increasing the likelihood of attracting the right clients. Industries such as real estate, mortgage, dental, insurance, and more can benefit significantly from the CRM platform, making them ideal target audiences.

Effective marketing strategies

Promoting Go High Level requires the implementation of effective marketing strategies. This may include content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, paid advertising, and more. The key is to reach the target audience with compelling messaging that highlights the benefits and value of the CRM platform.

Reaching the target audience

To reach the target audience effectively, it is important to leverage various marketing channels. This may include social media platforms, industry-specific websites and forums, email marketing, partnerships with complementary businesses, and more. By utilizing a multi-channel approach, businesses can increase their visibility and attract the attention of their target audience.

Coaching and Bonuses for Affiliates

Speaker’s coaching program

In addition to the affiliate program, the speaker in the video offers a coaching program for individuals who sign up under their affiliate link. This coaching program aims to provide guidance and support to affiliates, helping them achieve success in promoting Go High Level. The coaching program may include strategies, resources, and personalized advice tailored to each individual’s needs.

Additional bonuses for signing up

As an incentive for signing up under the speaker’s affiliate link, individuals may receive additional bonuses. These bonuses could include access to exclusive resources, training materials, or even discounts on other products and services. The additional bonuses aim to provide added value for individuals who choose to become affiliates through the speaker’s link.

Success stories of affiliates

The video may highlight success stories of affiliates who have achieved significant results by promoting Go High Level. These success stories serve as testimonials, demonstrating the potential profitability and success that can be achieved through the affiliate program. By showcasing the success stories of others, the video aims to inspire and motivate individuals to join the program.

Testimonials from affiliates

Testimonials from affiliates who have worked with the speaker or achieved success through the program can provide credibility and reassurance to potential affiliates. Hearing firsthand accounts of the positive experiences and results can help individuals make an informed decision about whether to become affiliates for Go High Level.

User Experience and Interface

Ease of use

Go High Level’s user interface is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. The platform aims to simplify complex marketing processes and make them accessible to users of all skill levels. The interface is designed to be easy to navigate, with clear instructions and a logical layout that guides users through each step of the process.

Navigation and organization

The platform’s navigation and organization are thoughtfully designed to optimize user experience. Users can easily access different features and tools within the platform through a clear and coherent menu structure. The organization of information and data ensures that users can find what they need quickly and efficiently.

Design and aesthetics

Go High Level offers a sleek and modern design that is visually appealing. The platform employs a clean and minimalist aesthetic, allowing users to focus on the task at hand without distraction. The design elements are carefully chosen to enhance usability and provide a pleasant experience for users.

Catering to different skill levels

Go High Level caters to users of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced marketers. The platform offers a range of features and tools that can be tailored to each user’s specific needs and skill level. Whether a user is new to CRM platforms or an experienced marketer, Go High Level provides the necessary support and resources to ensure a positive user experience.

Integration and Compatibility

Integration with other software

Go High Level offers seamless integration with a variety of other software platforms. This allows businesses to leverage their existing tools and systems while taking advantage of the CRM capabilities provided by Go High Level. Integration with other software enhances efficiency and eliminates the need for manual data entry or duplicate efforts.

Compatibility with different devices

Go High Level is compatible with different devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. The platform is designed to be responsive and adaptive, ensuring that users can access and use the CRM capabilities on any device. This flexibility allows users to work on the go and stay connected with their clients and campaigns.

API capabilities

Go High Level provides API capabilities, enabling businesses to integrate the CRM platform with their custom-built software or third-party applications. The API allows for seamless data exchange and communication between different systems, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness. By leveraging the API capabilities, businesses can create a more integrated and comprehensive ecosystem of software solutions.

Third-party integrations

Go High Level offers a wide range of third-party integrations, allowing businesses to extend the functionality of the platform. These integrations include popular marketing tools, email service providers, payment gateways, analytics platforms, and more. By integrating these third-party tools, businesses can customize their workflow and maximize their productivity.

Customer Support and Training

Availability of customer support

Go High Level provides customer support to assist users with any questions or issues they may encounter. The customer support team is available through various channels, such as live chat, email, or phone, to provide prompt assistance. Additionally, the platform may offer a knowledge base or FAQ section to address common questions and provide self-help resources.

Training materials and resources

Go High Level offers training materials and resources to help users get started and make the most of the platform. These materials may include video tutorials, step-by-step guides, documentation, and webinars. The training resources aim to empower users with the knowledge and skills they need to effectively utilize the CRM capabilities offered by the platform.

Live training sessions

In addition to pre-recorded training materials, Go High Level may offer live training sessions for users. These sessions provide an opportunity to interact with trainers and ask questions in real-time. Live training sessions can be beneficial for users who prefer a more hands-on approach or have specific inquiries that require immediate attention.

Community and user forums

Go High Level may provide a community or user forum where users can interact with each other, share experiences, and provide support. These forums create a sense of community and collaboration, allowing users to learn from one another and benefit from the collective knowledge of the Go High Level user base. The community and user forums serve as a valuable resource for users to find solutions and seek assistance.


Summary of the review

In summary, Go High Level is a comprehensive CRM platform that offers a wide range of features and benefits for marketing agencies. The platform’s user-friendly interface, extensive integration capabilities, and customizable options make it a valuable tool for businesses looking to streamline their marketing efforts.

Final thoughts and recommendations

Based on the review, it is clear that Go High Level offers a compelling value proposition for both affiliates and businesses looking to white label the platform. Affiliates can benefit from a generous commission structure, while businesses can leverage the platform’s customization options and increased profit potential.

Overall rating of Go High Level

Considering the features, benefits, and overall user experience, Go High Level receives a high rating. The platform’s intuitive interface, extensive integration options, and stellar customer support contribute to its positive reputation.

Closing remarks

In conclusion, Go High Level is a powerful CRM platform that can help marketing agencies enhance their client’s marketing efforts. Whether through affiliate marketing or white labeling, businesses can leverage the platform to differentiate themselves in the market and achieve their business goals.