The Evolution of Digital Marketing: Transitioning from Traditional to the SAS Model

In “The Evolution of Digital Marketing: Transitioning from Traditional to the SAS Model,” we explore the shifting landscape of digital marketing agencies. The video discussed in this article, titled “The DEATH Of Digital Marketing Agency” by Jason Wardrop, suggests that the traditional model of digital marketing agencies may be on the decline. Instead, the video introduces the concept of the “AI” Agency System, which is purportedly generating $5,314 per day for the author. The emphasis is on the potential of the SAS (Software as a Service) model to revolutionize the industry, offering scalability, leverage, and higher profit margins. This piece highlights the need for marketing agencies to adapt in order to stay competitive and avoid constantly acquiring and struggling to retain customers. It also touches on the option of white labeling platforms for agencies looking for full control and their own software solution. The aim is to provide insights for those considering transitioning to the SAS model and its potential benefits for both clients and agencies.

The Rise of Digital Marketing Agencies

In recent years, digital marketing agencies have seen a significant rise in popularity. More and more individuals are starting their own agencies and selling courses to teach others how to do the same. However, the traditional model of running a marketing agency has faced challenges in terms of effectiveness and customer retention. This has led to the exploration of new approaches, such as the SAS (Software as a Service) model, which offers a more scalable and profitable solution for marketing agencies to thrive in the digital age.

The Traditional Agency Model

The traditional agency model involves charging clients a monthly fee and signing them to contracts for a certain period of time. While this approach may seem straightforward, it often leads to high customer churn rates. Many clients cancel their services after the initial contract period, making it difficult for agencies to maintain a stable stream of recurring revenue. This inconsistency in revenue can hinder agency growth and sustainability in the long run.

Introducing the SAS Model

The SAS model, also known as Software as a Service, offers a different approach to running a marketing agency. In this model, clients are charged an upfront fee for onboarding and a lower monthly fee for access to software and tools. By leveraging software automation, agencies can scale their operations and deliver services more efficiently. This results in improved profitability and the ability to serve a larger client base.

The Benefits of Transitioning to SAS

While transitioning from a traditional agency to the SAS model may require some investment and adjustments, the benefits are well worth it. Firstly, agencies can reduce their expenses by automating repetitive tasks through software platforms. This not only saves time but also allows agencies to lower their prices for clients, making their services more competitive in the market. Additionally, the SAS model offers higher profit margins for agencies, as they can charge a lower monthly fee while still delivering value through the software and tools they provide.

To make the transition to the SAS model smoother, marketing agencies can explore white labeling options for software platforms. White labeling allows agencies to have full control over the software solution and offer it as their own branded product. This further enhances the agency’s reputation and ability to stand out in a competitive market.

Staying Competitive in the Industry

Embracing the SAS model is crucial for marketing agencies to stay competitive in the industry. The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and agencies need to adapt to new approaches in order to thrive. Failing to make the shift towards the SAS model can result in constantly acquiring new customers and struggling to retain them. This not only adds unnecessary expenses but also hinders the agency’s growth potential.

By adopting the SAS model, agencies can offer more value to their clients at a lower cost. This not only attracts more clients but also enhances the agency’s ability to retain them in the long term. Staying ahead of the curve and embracing new approaches is key to remaining relevant and competitive in the digital marketing industry.


The rise of digital marketing agencies has transformed the way businesses promote their products and services. As more individuals start their own agencies and sell courses, the traditional agency model is facing challenges in terms of effectiveness and customer retention. However, by transitioning to the SAS model, agencies can unlock new opportunities for growth and scalability.

The SAS model, with its upfront fee for onboarding and lower monthly fee for software access, offers agencies the leverage and scalability they need to thrive in the digital age. By automating tasks and exploring white labeling options, agencies can provide high-quality services at lower prices, leading to higher profit margins and long-term client satisfaction.

In order to stay competitive and embrace new approaches, marketing agencies must adapt to the changing demands of the industry. Making the shift towards the SAS model is not only necessary but also beneficial for the future success of agencies. By staying ahead of the curve, agencies can continue to deliver outstanding results and drive meaningful impact for their clients.