Direct Messaging for YouTube Video Promotion

Have you ever wondered how to make money on YouTube without relying on ads? Well, Jason Wardrop has got you covered with his informative video on the fastest way to earn income on YouTube for free. In this video, he breaks down the process into seven simple steps. First, you need to choose a product or service to promote, even if you don’t have your own. From there, you can utilize affiliate marketing platforms like Clickbank to refer people and earn a commission. The next step is to pick a specific niche that matches the product, and do keyword research using Google’s Keyword Planner to find related search terms. By creating videos centered around these keywords and sharing them on your social media profiles, you can attract interested viewers. To take it a step further, send private messages to those individuals with the link to your YouTube video. Repeat the process with different keywords, maintain a consistent uploading schedule, and watch your channel grow along with your income, all without ads. So, if you’re ready to dive into the world of YouTube video promotion and start making money, this video by Jason Wardrop is a must-watch.

Step 1: Choose a Product or Service to Promote

When starting your journey to make money on YouTube, the first step is to choose a product or service to promote. Even if you don’t have your own product, you can still get involved in affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing platforms like Clickbank offer a wide range of products that you can refer people to and earn a commission for each sale you make. This allows you to earn money without the hassle of creating or managing your own product.

Step 2: Select a Specific Niche

Now that you have chosen a product or service to promote, it’s important to match it with a specific niche. A niche is a specialized subset within a larger market. By focusing on a specific niche, you can create content that is tailored to a particular audience and meet their needs more effectively. Take the time to identify your target audience and understand their preferences, interests, and pain points. This will help you create content that resonates with them and drives engagement.

Step 3: Research Keywords

To optimize your YouTube videos and improve their visibility in search results, it’s important to research keywords related to your product or niche. Google’s Keyword Planner is a valuable tool for conducting keyword research. Use it to identify popular search terms that people use when looking for products or information related to your niche. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your video content, including the title, description, and tags. By targeting relevant keywords, you can attract more organic traffic to your videos.

Step 4: Create a Video

Creating high-quality and engaging videos is crucial to capture the attention of your target audience. Base your videos around the keywords you have researched in the previous step. This will ensure that your content is inline with what people are searching for. Additionally, include the targeted keywords in your video titles to improve visibility in search results.

Craft compelling content that provides value to your viewers. Address their pain points and offer solutions or insights that they can benefit from. Pay attention to video production quality, including lighting, audio, and visuals. Remember to keep your videos concise and well-structured. This will help hold your viewers’ attention and increase the chances of them watching the entire video.

Step 5: Share Video on Social Media Profiles

Promotion is key to growing your YouTube channel. Utilize social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn to share your videos with your existing network. Create posts that capture their interest and make them curious to watch your video. Including a hook or teaser can entice viewers to click and watch your content. Be consistent in sharing your videos on your profiles and engage with viewers who comment or share your content.

Step 6: Send Direct Messages

Engagement is essential to growing your YouTube channel. Identify individuals who have shown interest in your content through likes, comments, or shares. Send them personalized direct messages containing a link to your YouTube video. Tailor the message to make it more genuine and engaging. Let them know why you think they would find value in your video and how it can help them. By reaching out directly, you can build a more personal connection with your audience and encourage them to watch and share your videos.

Step 7: Repeat and Consistency

To sustain the growth of your YouTube channel, it’s important to repeat the process with different keywords and topics. This will enable you to reach a wider audience and cater to various interests within your niche. Creating a consistent uploading schedule is also crucial to maintain engagement with your subscribers. Regularly promoting your videos through social media and other channels will help increase visibility and attract new viewers to your channel.

Step 8: Growing Your YouTube Channel

As your channel grows, it’s essential to utilize analytics to understand your audience’s preferences. Pay attention to metrics such as watch time, engagement rates, and audience retention. This data will provide insights into which videos perform well and which ones may need improvement. Engage with your viewers by responding to comments and fostering a sense of community. Collaboration with other YouTubers in similar niches can also help with cross-promotion and attract new subscribers to your channel.

Step 9: Earn a Steady Income

Monetizing your YouTube channel is an important step in earning a steady income. Explore various methods of monetization, such as joining the YouTube Partner Program. This program allows you to earn money through advertisements displayed in your videos. Additionally, consider brand partnerships and sponsored content. Collaborating with brands can provide opportunities for generating revenue through product placements or endorsements. As your channel grows and your audience becomes more engaged, these income streams can become more significant.


Direct messaging can be an effective strategy for promoting your YouTube videos and growing your channel without relying on ads. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can choose the right product, focus on a specific niche, optimize your videos with targeted keywords, and promote them through social media and direct messaging. Consistency, engagement, and understanding your audience’s preferences are key factors in growing your YouTube channel and earning a steady income. With dedication and the right approach, you can achieve success on YouTube and build a thriving online presence.