Focusing on Key Services: Not Covering Facebook Ads in this Video

In this video, titled “Focusing on Key Services: Not Covering Facebook Ads,” Jason Wardrop takes you through a step-by-step walkthrough of setting up clients for a digital marketing agency. He covers a range of services, including automating online reviews, streamlining customer communication, and connecting a website chat widget. Jason also emphasizes the importance of teaching clients how to perform certain tasks themselves. Throughout the video, he explains Google online reviews, the concept of a unified inbox, the benefits of a website chat widget, and the significance of accurate business information with the help of tools like Yext. It’s worth noting that while Jason covers various services, Facebook Ads are not included in this specific video. However, he does offer additional resources and training for starting a digital marketing agency. Overall, this video provides a comprehensive guide to setting up clients for success in the digital marketing world.

Setting up Clients for a Digital Marketing Agency

As a digital marketing agency, it is important to not only provide quality services to your clients but also ensure that they have the necessary tools and knowledge to manage certain aspects themselves. In this step-by-step walkthrough, we will cover key services such as automating online reviews, streamlining customer communication, and connecting a website chat widget. By teaching your clients how to perform these tasks, you can empower them to take active participation in their digital marketing efforts and enhance their overall success.

Key Services Covered in the Video

Before we dive into the step-by-step walkthrough, let’s briefly discuss the key services that will be covered in this article. These services are:

  1. Automating online reviews: This service focuses on generating review links and sending review requests to clients’ customers, thereby increasing their online reputation and credibility.

  2. Streamlining customer communication: This service involves combining messages from various platforms into a unified inbox, ensuring that no communication goes unnoticed and enhancing overall customer service.

  3. Connecting a website chat widget: By implementing a website chat widget, clients can increase conversions and capture leads by providing immediate assistance and support to website visitors.

Now let’s delve into each service and understand how to set them up for your clients.

Google Online Reviews

Google online reviews play a crucial role in determining a business’s reputation and attracting potential customers. In this section, we will cover how to generate a review link and send review requests to clients’ customers.

To get started, you need to connect your client’s Google account with the software you are using. This can be done by clicking on the “Connect” button and entering the client’s Google email address and password. Once connected, navigate to the “Settings” section and select “Reputation Management.”

Under “Reputation Management,” you will find the option to generate a review link. This link will be automatically sent to your client’s customers via email and SMS, prompting them to leave a five-star review. Simply click on “Generate Link” to create the review link. You can then copy and share this link with your client or open it in a different browser to see how it appears to customers.

It is important to teach your client how to manage online reviews themselves, as constantly relying on you to send review requests for every customer can become time-consuming. By showing them how to use the software to send review requests, they can easily ask customers for reviews after each transaction, saving time and increasing their online reputation.

Unified Inbox

As a digital marketing agency, it is essential to help your clients streamline their customer communication. This includes gathering messages from various platforms, such as Facebook, emails, SMS, and voicemails, into one unified inbox. By doing so, your clients can ensure that they never miss a message and promptly respond to potential leads.

The process of setting up a unified inbox varies depending on the software you are using. In general, you will need to connect your client’s various communication channels to the software. This might involve integrating their Facebook account, email accounts, and phone number. Once connected, all messages from these platforms will be consolidated into a single inbox, making it easier for your clients to manage their customer communication efficiently.

By teaching your clients how to utilize a unified inbox, you are enabling them to be more responsive to customer inquiries and ultimately improve customer satisfaction.

Website Chat Widget

A website chat widget is a valuable tool for increasing conversions and capturing leads. It provides website visitors with immediate assistance and support, improving their overall experience and increasing the likelihood of converting them into customers.

To set up a website chat widget, you will need to integrate the software with your client’s website. This can usually be done by adding a few lines of code or installing a plugin, depending on the software you are using. Once integrated, your client can customize the chat widget’s appearance and set up automated responses to common inquiries.

Teaching your clients how to manage the website chat widget empowers them to engage with website visitors, answer their queries, and guide them through the customer journey. This not only enhances the customer experience but also increases the chances of securing new leads and conversions.

Importance of Accurate Business Information

Accurate business information across various online platforms is crucial for maintaining a strong online presence and attracting potential customers. One tool that can help in managing business information is Yext.

Yext is a platform that ensures business information, such as phone numbers, website addresses, and links, is accurate and up to date on various websites, including Yelp, Facebook, Google, and others. By using Yext, your clients can avoid inconsistencies in their business information, which can lead to confusion and loss of potential customers.

While this specific video does not cover Yext, it is important to inform your clients about the significance of managing their business information and recommend tools like Yext to help them achieve accurate and consistent online presence.

Other Services Not Covered in the Video

Apart from the services covered in the video, there are other digital marketing services that you can offer to your clients. One such service is Facebook ads. Facebook ads are a powerful way to reach a targeted audience and generate leads for your clients’ businesses. While this video does not specifically cover Facebook ads, it is a service that you can explore and provide to your clients as part of your digital marketing agency’s offerings.

Be sure to educate yourself on the intricacies of Facebook ads before offering them as a service and keep yourself updated with the latest trends and strategies in Facebook advertising.

Additional Resources and Training

Starting a digital marketing agency can be an exciting endeavor, but it requires continuous learning and staying updated with industry trends. In addition to the video, Jason Wardrop offers additional resources and training for those interested in starting a digital marketing agency. These resources can provide valuable insights, strategies, and techniques to help you succeed in the field.

Remember, setting up your clients for success involves not only providing quality services but also teaching them how to perform certain tasks themselves. By empowering your clients to take an active role in their digital marketing efforts, you are building strong and long-lasting partnerships, and ultimately helping them achieve their business goals.