Jason Wardrop shares tips on starting a digital marketing agency with no prior experience

In this video, Jason Wardrop shares his valuable tips on how to start a digital marketing agency even if you have no prior experience. He promises to guide viewers on making $0 to $10k per month within just 90 days. By focusing on client acquisition and providing value, Jason explains how it is possible to quickly grow a profitable agency in the digital marketing industry. With over 15,000 paying clients for his own agency, Jason utilizes his own experiences and insights to teach viewers the necessary steps and strategies for success. By specializing in a specific service and industry, such as offering online reviews for businesses with less than 40 reviews, viewers can learn how to use free strategies like cold emailing and cold calling to reach potential clients. Jason also provides information on how to automate the online review process for clients and how to charge them a monthly fee for this service. With his course, viewers can gain even more in-depth knowledge on launching their own digital marketing agency.

1. Niche down and specialize in a specific service and industry

Starting a digital marketing agency can seem overwhelming, especially if you have no prior experience in the field. However, Jason Wardrop, a successful digital marketer, shares valuable tips and strategies to help you navigate this journey. One crucial step highlighted by Wardrop is the need to niche down and specialize in a specific service and industry.

When you choose to specialize, you set yourself apart from other agencies and position yourself as an expert in that particular area. By focusing on a specific service, such as online review management, you can hone your skills and provide exceptional value to your clients. Additionally, specializing in a specific industry, like dentistry or chiropractic care, allows you to understand the unique challenges and requirements of that field, enabling you to tailor your services accordingly.

Specializing in a niche allows you to target your marketing efforts more effectively and attract clients who are specifically looking for the services you offer. It also helps build credibility and trust with your target audience since you have a deep understanding of their needs and can provide tailored solutions.

2. Offering online review services

2.1 Finding businesses with less than 40 online reviews to target

One of the services Jason Wardrop suggests specializing in is online review management. Online reviews play a significant role in a business’s reputation and success in today’s digital age. Potential customers often rely on online reviews to make informed decisions about which business to choose.

To start your digital marketing agency, Wardrop advises finding businesses with less than 40 online reviews to target. Why 40? Research shows that a business needs a minimum of 40 online reviews for potential customers to perceive it as credible. By focusing on businesses that fall below this threshold, you can provide immense value by helping them increase their online presence and reputation.

2.2 The simplicity and ease of offering online review services

One of the reasons Wardrop recommends offering online review services is the simplicity and ease of this service. Unlike other digital marketing strategies that require extensive technical knowledge and resources, managing online reviews is relatively straightforward.

With the help of software and tools, you can automate the entire process of requesting, monitoring, and responding to online reviews. This automation saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on acquiring more clients and providing excellent customer service. Additionally, the demand for online review services is high, as most business owners are aware of the importance of positive online reviews but lack the time or expertise to manage them effectively.

3. Utilizing free strategies for client acquisition

Acquiring clients is essential for the success of your digital marketing agency. However, when starting, you may not have a large marketing budget to invest in paid advertising. To overcome this challenge, Wardrop suggests utilizing free strategies such as cold emailing and cold calling.

3.1 Cold emailing potential clients

Cold emailing involves reaching out to potential clients through email without any prior relationship or connection. It is a cost-effective way to introduce your services and attract new clients.

When sending cold emails, it’s crucial to personalize your message and demonstrate how your services can benefit the recipient’s business specifically. Highlight the importance of online reviews, the potential to improve their online reputation, and ultimately attract more customers. Keep the email concise, friendly, and focused on the value you can provide.

3.2 Cold calling potential clients

Cold calling is another effective strategy for client acquisition. It involves calling potential clients and introducing your services over the phone. While it may sound intimidating, cold calling can yield promising results when done correctly.

Before making any calls, take the time to research the business and understand their needs and pain points. This preparation allows you to tailor your pitch and demonstrate how your services can address their specific challenges. Keep the conversation friendly and engaging, and always follow up with any promised information or additional resources.

4. Utilizing software for automating the online review process

To effectively manage online reviews for your clients, it’s crucial to leverage software and automation. These tools simplify the process and ensure that every aspect of online review management is streamlined.

With the right software, you can automate the request for reviews from customers, monitor review platforms for new reviews, and respond promptly to any feedback. This automation saves time and enhances efficiency, allowing you to handle a larger number of clients without compromising on the quality of service.

There are various software options available in the market, and Wardrop recommends choosing one that aligns with your agency’s needs and budget. Some popular review management tools include ReviewTrackers, Podium, and BirdEye. Explore the features and capabilities of these platforms to determine which one best suits your requirements.

5. Pricing for online review services

When setting prices for your online review services, it’s essential to consider the value you provide to your clients. Wardrop suggests charging between $300-500 per month for the service, depending on the size and needs of the business.

It’s important to emphasize the return on investment that your clients can expect from your services. Highlight how positive online reviews can attract more customers, improve their reputation, and ultimately increase their revenue. Providing case studies and testimonials from previous clients can further reinforce the value of your services.

While it’s important to develop a pricing structure that allows your agency to be profitable, it’s also crucial to remain competitive in the market. Research the pricing strategies of other agencies offering similar services in your niche to ensure your prices are reasonable and attractive to potential clients.

6. Long-term client retention with online review services

Securing clients is only the first step in building a successful digital marketing agency. To achieve long-term success, you must focus on client retention. Wardrop emphasizes the importance of delivering exceptional customer service and consistently providing value to your clients.

Once you’ve onboarded a client, maintain regular communication and provide updates on the progress of their online reviews. Keep them informed about any new features or strategies you’re implementing to enhance their online reputation. Additionally, encourage clients to provide feedback and address any concerns promptly to ensure their satisfaction.

By continuously exceeding client expectations and demonstrating the positive impact of your services, you can increase client loyalty and retention. Happy clients are more likely to provide positive testimonials and refer your agency to others, which can lead to further growth and success.

7. Jason Wardrop’s success in the digital marketing industry

Jason Wardrop, the creator of the online course on starting a digital marketing agency, has achieved remarkable success in the field. With over 15,000 paying clients for his own agency, Wardrop’s insights and strategies hold weight and have been proven effective.

His success is a testament to the fact that it is possible to build a profitable agency without prior experience or significant resources. By following his guidance and implementing his strategies, you can accelerate your progress and achieve your financial goals in a shorter timeframe.

8. The benefits of learning from Jason Wardrop’s experience

Learning from someone who has achieved success in the industry can significantly impact your journey. By studying Jason Wardrop’s experience and insights, you can avoid common pitfalls and adopt proven strategies.

Wardrop’s experience provides valuable lessons on client acquisition, service specialization, and building long-term client relationships. By applying these lessons to your own agency, you can navigate the challenges more efficiently and increase your chances of success.

9. The course providing in-depth information and strategies

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the steps and strategies involved in starting a digital marketing agency, it is recommended to enroll in Jason Wardrop’s course. The course offers in-depth information on niche selection, client acquisition, service specialization, and automation techniques.

By following the course, you gain access to Wardrop’s knowledge and experience in an organized and structured manner. The course materials cover various aspects of running a digital marketing agency, providing you with the necessary tools and strategies to succeed. Additionally, the course may include resources, case studies, and interactive elements to enhance the learning experience.

10. Conclusion

Starting a digital marketing agency may seem daunting, but with Jason Wardrop’s guidance and strategies, it is possible to achieve success even without prior experience. By specializing in a specific service and industry, such as offering online review services, you can attract clients looking for expertise in that area. Utilizing free strategies like cold emailing and cold calling can help you acquire clients effectively. Automation software can streamline the online review process, saving you time and effort. To ensure profitability, pricing your services appropriately and focusing on long-term client retention is crucial. Jason Wardrop’s course provides in-depth information and strategies to navigate the digital marketing industry successfully. With determination, a focus on client acquisition, and a commitment to providing value, you can grow a profitable agency within 90 days as promised by Jason Wardrop.