Increasing Offer Value: Converting Free Trial Users to Paying Customers

Hey, how’s it going? In today’s video, Jason Wardrop is going to share some valuable insights about increasing the value of your offers and converting free trial users into paying customers. He discusses how he used Go HighLevel real estate SaaS sales funnels to build his own successful real estate saas company, and he’s here to help you do the same. The key to success, according to Jason, is using paid ads to increase visibility, driving traffic to a landing page, and growing your email list and database. He outlines a sales funnel that involves offering a free leads training, followed by a video sales letter to build interest and book calls. Jason also explains the benefits of offering a 14-day free trial for a software offer and how it becomes more valuable after the trial period, making users willing to pay for it. He suggests using a 30-day subscription model to make money upfront and provide ongoing assistance to customers in setting up their accounts. Jason reveals that this specific sales funnel has provided the best lifetime value for customers, and he emphasizes the importance of using paid ads and value videos on YouTube to build trust and credibility with potential customers. To top it off, Jason offers training and resources on setting up sales funnels and even provides an affiliate link for a free extended trial of the software. So if you’re looking to increase your offer value and convert more users into paying customers, this video is a must-watch.

Increasing Offer Value: Converting Free Trial Users to Paying Customers

In today’s video, Jason Wardrop shares his experience and expertise on using Go HighLevel real estate SaaS sales funnels to grow your business. He emphasizes that the key to success is increasing visibility and driving traffic to your landing page through paid ads. But the real value lies in growing your email list and database, which is the gold mine of any business.

Increasing Visibility and Driving Traffic

To achieve significant growth in your business, it is crucial to use paid ads on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Google. These ads should lead users to a simple landing page, where they can opt in and join your email list. By increasing the number of people on your email list and database, you have the opportunity to promote your product or service to a larger audience. This strategy allows you to become less dependent on a specific product and more adaptable to market changes.

Growing the Email List and Database

The focus should always be on growing your database and the number of people on your email list. This is because your database is your gold mine and provides security for your business. Even if something were to happen to your core product, having a large and engaged email list allows you to pivot quickly and promote a different product or service. Remember, the money is in the list.

Offering Free Leads Training and Video Sales Letter

In order to attract and engage potential customers, it is important to offer them value upfront. Jason recommends offering a free leads training as a way to provide useful information and build trust with your audience. This can be followed by a 15 to 20-minute video sales letter that addresses the pain points of your target audience and highlights the benefits of your product or service. By providing valuable content, you increase the chances of attracting potential customers and encouraging them to book a call with you.

Selling High Ticket Services

To increase the lifetime value of your customers and make it easier to recoup your ad spend, Jason suggests selling high ticket services. In the case of Go HighLevel real estate saas, this involves pre-selling several months of the software, along with templates, training, and account setup. By offering a comprehensive package upfront, you not only increase the value for your customers but also improve their overall experience with your product.

Importance of Follow-Up Emails

Out of the people who opt-in to your free leads training and video sales letter, only a small percentage will immediately purchase your service. Therefore, it is crucial to have a well-planned follow-up email sequence to nurture potential customers and address any concerns they may have. By staying engaged with your leads through email, you increase the chances of converting them into paying customers in the future.

Engaging Non-Purchasers with Real Estate Lead Challenge

For those who do not immediately purchase your service, Jason recommends offering a 30-day real estate lead challenge. Challenges are highly effective in building excitement and engagement, and they create a sense of urgency for potential customers. By participating in the challenge, users can experience firsthand the benefits of your product or service, increasing the likelihood of them becoming paying customers.

Benefits of a 14-Day Free Trial Offer

While the author emphasizes the value of selling high ticket services, he also recognizes the benefits of offering a 14-day free trial. This provides potential customers with an opportunity to test out your product or service, allowing them to experience its value before committing to a purchase. By offering a free trial, you can effectively remove any barriers to entry and increase the chances of converting users into paying customers.

30-Day Subscription and Front-End Assistance

To maximize revenue and provide comprehensive support to customers, Jason suggests offering a 30-day subscription with the option for front-end assistance. This allows you to generate income on the front end while also guiding customers through the process of setting up their accounts. By providing this assistance, you increase customer satisfaction and set them up for long-term usage of your software.

Continued Usage and Monthly Subscription

After the initial 30-day period, it is important to maintain communication and encourage customers to continue using your software. This is done through a monthly subscription model, where customers pay a recurring fee for continued access to your product or service. By consistently delivering value and meeting the needs of your customers, you can ensure long-term usage and build a loyal customer base.

Best Lifetime Value with this Sales Funnel

According to Jason, this specific sales funnel, which incorporates paid ads, upselling high ticket services, and providing valuable content, has proven to be highly effective in maximizing the lifetime value of customers. By using a combination of strategies, you can attract more customers, increase their willingness to spend, and ultimately improve the overall profitability of your business.

Using Paid Ads and Upselling Higher Ticket Services

As mentioned earlier, paid ads play a crucial role in increasing visibility and driving traffic to your landing page. By investing in targeted ads on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Google, you can reach a larger audience and attract potential customers. Additionally, by upselling higher ticket services, you can increase the average transaction value and improve the return on your ad spend.

Building Trust and Credibility with Value Videos

In order to establish trust and credibility with potential customers, Jason recommends creating value videos. These videos should provide valuable insights, tips, and information related to your industry or niche. By consistently delivering value through your videos, you can position yourself as an expert, build trust with your audience, and increase the likelihood of them becoming customers.

Scalability of YouTube Videos

YouTube is a powerful platform for reaching a large audience and scaling your business. By creating valuable videos and optimizing them for search engines, you can reach thousands or even millions of people with minimal effort. The scalability of YouTube videos allows you to leverage the platform’s vast user base and grow your business on a global scale.

Training and Resources for Sales Funnel Setup

To help others achieve success with their sales funnels, Jason offers training and resources on setting up effective sales funnels. By providing step-by-step instructions and guidance, he empowers entrepreneurs and business owners to implement strategies that can drive growth and increase revenue. Additionally, he provides an affiliate link for a free extended trial of the Go HighLevel software, allowing individuals to explore its features and benefits.

In conclusion, converting free trial users to paying customers requires a comprehensive approach that focuses on increasing visibility, building trust, and providing value. By using paid ads, growing your email list, offering high ticket services, and engaging with potential customers, you can maximize the lifetime value of your customers and achieve long-term success in your business. With the right strategies and a commitment to delivering value, you can convert free trial users into loyal and paying customers.