Unique Ways to Get Digital Marketing Agency Clients

In the video “Unique Ways to Get Digital Marketing Agency Clients,” the speaker discusses unconventional methods for attracting clients to your digital marketing agency. One of the recommendations is to find mentors and coaches to learn from, which can help expand your knowledge and skills in the industry. The speaker also suggests four books to read, including “Mentor” by John Wooden, “One to Many” by Jason Fladlien, “No BS Guide to Powerful Presentations” by Dan Kennedy, and “100 Million Dollar Offers” by Alex Rambose. These books provide valuable insights into different sales styles and strategies, emphasizing the importance of creating powerful offers to capture the attention of potential clients. Overall, the video offers new perspectives on client acquisition in the digital marketing field.

In this video by Jason Wardrop, titled “4 UNIQUE Ways to Get Digital Marketing Agency Clients,” he delves into the topic of client acquisition for digital marketing agencies. Wardrop discusses two different sales styles: high-ticket and webinar style. He recommends finding mentors and coaches, highlighting the importance of learning from others in the industry. Additionally, he suggests four books that provide valuable information on sales methods, creating impressive offers, and delivering powerful presentations. By exploring unique approaches to attracting clients, viewers can gain valuable insights and strategies for growing their own digital marketing agencies.

Unique Ways to Get Digital Marketing Agency Clients

Finding clients for your digital marketing agency can be a challenge, but there are several unique approaches that can help you stand out from the competition. In this article, we will explore some effective strategies that can help you attract and acquire clients for your agency.

Find mentors and coaches

One of the first steps to success in any field is finding mentors and coaches who can guide you and provide valuable insights. When it comes to digital marketing and client acquisition, having someone with experience and expertise to learn from can make a significant difference. Mentors and coaches can help you navigate the challenges of the industry, share their knowledge and wisdom, and provide guidance on how to effectively acquire clients. Look for people who have achieved success in the digital marketing field and seek their mentorship or coaching. Learning from their experiences can give you a significant advantage in acquiring clients for your agency.

Read books for insights

Books are a treasure trove of knowledge and insights, and there are several books that can provide valuable insights into acquiring clients for your digital marketing agency. Here are four highly recommended books that cover different aspects of client acquisition and sales strategies:

  1. “Mentor” by John Wooden: This book emphasizes the importance of finding mentors and coaches to guide you in your professional and personal life. John Wooden, a college basketball coach known for his success in winning multiple national championships, shares the value of having mentors throughout one’s journey.

  2. “One to Many” by Jason Fladlien: Jason Fladlien, a renowned expert in webinar selling, shares his strategies for creating and delivering high-converting webinars. This book focuses on the power of webinars as a sales tool and provides practical tips on how to make them successful.

  3. “No BS Guide to Powerful Presentations” by Dan Kennedy: This book, co-authored by Dan Kennedy and Dustin Matthews, delves into the art of creating powerful presentations. It explores the principles and techniques behind impactful sales presentations and how to effectively communicate your value proposition to potential clients.

  4. “100 Million Dollar Offers” by Alex Rambose: In this book, Alex Rambose shares his experiences and strategies for creating high-value offers that generate significant returns on ad spend. It provides insights into crafting compelling offers that attract clients and drive sales.

By reading these books, you can gain valuable insights into different sales styles, strategies, and techniques that can help you acquire clients for your digital marketing agency.

Create powerful offers

One of the most effective ways to attract clients to your digital marketing agency is by creating powerful offers that stand out from the competition. A powerful offer is one that provides significant value to potential clients and addresses their pain points and needs. It should clearly communicate the benefits and outcomes they can expect from working with your agency.

To create powerful offers, you need to understand your target audience and their specific challenges. Conduct market research and gather data to identify the pain points and desires of your ideal clients. Use this information to develop offers that directly address their needs and offer unique solutions. Communicate the value of your offer clearly and demonstrate how working with your agency can deliver tangible results. By creating powerful offers, you can differentiate yourself from competitors and attract clients who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

Learn different sales styles and strategies

To be successful in acquiring clients for your digital marketing agency, it’s important to understand and utilize different sales styles and strategies. Different clients respond to different approaches, so having a diverse range of sales techniques can help you connect with a larger audience and increase your chances of acquiring clients.

Some clients may respond well to being approached directly, through phone calls or in-person meetings. This approach requires strong interpersonal skills and the ability to build rapport quickly. Others may prefer a more indirect approach, such as receiving information through webinars or long-form sales letters. By learning and implementing different sales styles, you can tailor your approach to individual clients and increase your effectiveness in acquiring clients.

Emphasize the importance of powerful offers

When it comes to acquiring clients for your digital marketing agency, the importance of powerful offers cannot be overstated. A powerful offer not only attracts clients but also convinces them that your agency is the best choice to meet their needs.

When communicating with potential clients, make sure to highlight the unique benefits and value proposition of your offer. Show them how your agency can help them achieve their goals and overcome their challenges. Emphasize the results they can expect and provide evidence of your agency’s past successes. By focusing on powerful offers, you can position your agency as the provider of choice and increase your chances of acquiring clients.

Utilize social media platforms

In today’s digital age, social media platforms have become powerful tools for marketing and client acquisition. By effectively utilizing social media, you can reach a large, targeted audience and engage with potential clients.

Identify the social media platforms that your target audience uses the most, and create a presence on those platforms. Share valuable content related to digital marketing and provide insights and tips that demonstrate your expertise. Engage in conversations and discussions, and build relationships with potential clients. Use social media advertising to further amplify your presence and reach a wider audience. By leveraging the power of social media, you can increase your visibility, attract potential clients, and drive traffic to your agency’s website.

Leverage content marketing

Content marketing is another effective strategy for acquiring clients for your digital marketing agency. By creating valuable and informative content, you can establish yourself as an authority in the industry and attract potential clients who are seeking your expertise.

Create blog posts, articles, videos, and other types of content that address the pain points and challenges of your target audience. Provide insights, tips, and strategies that demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in the field. Optimize your content for search engines to increase visibility and attract organic traffic to your website. Share your content on social media platforms and engage with your audience through comments and discussions. By consistently delivering high-quality content, you can build trust, showcase your capabilities, and attract potential clients to your digital marketing agency.

Partner with complementary businesses

Collaborating with other businesses that complement your services can be an effective way to acquire clients for your digital marketing agency. By forming strategic partnerships, you can tap into another business’s existing client base and leverage their network to gain new clients.

Identify businesses that offer complementary services to yours and approach them with a partnership proposal. Highlight the potential benefits of the partnership, such as cross-promotion, co-marketing opportunities, or referrals. Work together to create joint initiatives, such as webinars, workshops, or content collaborations, that provide value to both your target audiences.

By partnering with complementary businesses, you can expand your reach, tap into new client markets, and acquire clients for your digital marketing agency.

Attend industry events and conferences

Attending industry events and conferences can provide valuable networking opportunities and help you connect with potential clients. These events bring together professionals from the digital marketing industry, providing a platform for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and business development.

When attending industry events, come prepared with business cards and a clear elevator pitch that highlights the unique value of your digital marketing agency. Engage in conversations, ask questions, and listen actively to the challenges and needs of potential clients. Follow up with the contacts you make, and nurture those relationships to build trust and credibility over time. By attending industry events and conferences, you can expand your network, showcase your expertise, and acquire clients for your agency.

Leverage the power of testimonials

Testimonials are a powerful tool for acquiring clients for your digital marketing agency. Positive feedback and endorsements from satisfied clients can build trust and credibility, making potential clients more likely to choose your agency.

Reach out to your satisfied clients and ask them for testimonials that highlight the positive experiences they have had working with your agency. Include these testimonials on your website, social media profiles, and other marketing materials. Make sure to include specific details and results that demonstrate the value and impact of your services. By leveraging the power of testimonials, you can showcase your agency’s track record of success and attract potential clients who are impressed by the positive experiences of others.

Build a strong online presence

In the digital marketing industry, having a strong online presence is essential for acquiring clients. Potential clients often research and evaluate agencies online before making a decision, so it’s important to make a strong impression through your online presence.

Optimize your website for search engines to increase visibility and attract organic traffic. Create a visually appealing and user-friendly website that effectively communicates your services, value proposition, and expertise. Publish high-quality content regularly and ensure that your website is up to date with relevant information. Implement lead capture forms and call-to-action buttons to encourage potential clients to reach out and inquire about your services.

Additionally, establish a presence on relevant online directories and review platforms. Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews and ratings, as positive feedback can significantly impact your online reputation.

By building a strong online presence, you can establish credibility, attract organic traffic, and acquire clients for your digital marketing agency.

Use targeted advertising

Targeted advertising is a highly effective strategy for acquiring clients for your digital marketing agency. By utilizing advanced targeting options, you can reach a specific audience that matches your ideal client profile.

Use platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or LinkedIn Ads to create targeted advertising campaigns. Define your target audience based on relevant demographics, interests, and behaviors. Craft compelling ad copy and visuals that resonate with your target audience and capture their attention. Monitor your ad campaigns closely and make adjustments as needed to optimize performance and increase conversion rates.

By leveraging targeted advertising, you can reach potential clients who are most likely to be interested in your services and increase your chances of acquiring them for your digital marketing agency.

Offer referral incentives

Word-of-mouth and referrals are powerful tools for acquiring clients. People are more likely to trust recommendations from individuals they know and respect. By offering referral incentives, you can encourage your existing clients to refer your agency to their contacts and help you acquire new clients.

Implement a referral program that rewards clients for referring new clients to your agency. Offer incentives such as discounts, exclusive access to resources or services, or monetary rewards. Communicate your referral program to your clients and provide them with the necessary tools and resources to easily refer your agency to their network.

By incentivizing referrals, you can tap into the networks of your satisfied clients and acquire new clients for your digital marketing agency.

Provide valuable free resources

Providing valuable free resources can help you attract potential clients to your digital marketing agency. By offering valuable content or tools, you can showcase your expertise and establish trust with your target audience.

Create high-quality content, such as ebooks, whitepapers, or case studies, that provide valuable insights and solutions to common challenges in the digital marketing industry. Develop tools or templates that can help potential clients solve specific problems or make their digital marketing efforts more efficient. Offer these resources for free on your website or through email newsletters to attract and engage potential clients.

By providing valuable free resources, you can position yourself as an expert in your field, attract potential clients, and increase your chances of acquiring them for your digital marketing agency.

Work with local businesses

Acquiring clients for your digital marketing agency doesn’t always have to be a global endeavor. Local businesses can be a valuable source of clients, and working with them can have several advantages.

Reach out to local businesses in your area and offer your digital marketing services. Local businesses often appreciate working with agencies that understand the local market and can help them reach their target audience effectively. Attend local networking events or join business associations to meet potential clients and showcase your agency’s expertise.

By working with local businesses, you can establish strong relationships, build a reputation within the local community, and acquire clients for your digital marketing agency.

Offer personalized services

Personalization is a powerful strategy for acquiring clients for your digital marketing agency. Tailoring your services to meet the specific needs and goals of your clients can make a significant difference in attracting and retaining clients.

Take the time to understand the unique challenges and objectives of each potential client. Develop customized strategies and solutions that address their specific requirements. Demonstrate your understanding and expertise by providing personalized recommendations and proposals. By offering personalized services, you can stand out from competitors and position yourself as the ideal partner for potential clients.

Invest in search engine optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for acquiring clients for your digital marketing agency. By optimizing your website and content for search engines, you can increase your visibility in search results and attract organic traffic.

Conduct keyword research to identify relevant keywords and phrases that your potential clients are using to search for digital marketing services. Optimize your website’s meta tags, headings, and content to include these keywords and improve your search rankings. Create high-quality, informative content that is optimized for search engines and provides value to your target audience. Build high-quality backlinks from reputable websites to improve your website’s authority and search rankings.

Investing in SEO can greatly increase your agency’s visibility, attract organic traffic, and help you acquire clients for your digital marketing agency.

Collaborate with influencers

Influencer marketing can be a highly effective strategy for acquiring clients for your digital marketing agency. Working with influencers who have a large and engaged following can help you reach a wider audience and generate interest in your agency.

Identify influencers in the digital marketing industry or related fields who have a significant following and influence. Reach out to them with collaboration ideas, such as co-creating content, hosting webinars or workshops together, or featuring them as guest speakers in your events. Collaborate on projects that provide value to both their audience and your target audience.

By collaborating with influencers, you can tap into their networks, gain exposure to a larger audience, and acquire clients for your digital marketing agency.

Use LinkedIn for networking

LinkedIn is a powerful social media platform for professionals, making it an ideal platform for networking and acquiring clients for your digital marketing agency. By utilizing the features and tools provided by LinkedIn, you can connect with potential clients, demonstrate your expertise, and expand your network.

Optimize your LinkedIn profile to highlight your skills, experience, and achievements in the digital marketing industry. Join relevant LinkedIn groups and participate in discussions to showcase your knowledge and engage with potential clients. Share valuable content, such as articles or industry insights, that demonstrate your expertise and attract engagement. Use LinkedIn’s messaging and connection features to reach out to potential clients and establish relationships.

By leveraging LinkedIn for networking, you can expand your professional network, build relationships with potential clients, and acquire clients for your digital marketing agency.


Acquiring clients for your digital marketing agency requires a combination of effective strategies and approaches. By finding mentors and coaches, reading books for insights, creating powerful offers, learning different sales styles and strategies, emphasizing the importance of powerful offers, utilizing social media platforms, leveraging content marketing, partnering with complementary businesses, attending industry events and conferences, leveraging the power of testimonials, building a strong online presence, using targeted advertising, offering referral incentives, providing valuable free resources, working with local businesses, offering personalized services, investing in search engine optimization (SEO), collaborating with influencers, and using LinkedIn for networking, you can effectively attract and acquire clients for your digital marketing agency.

By implementing these strategies and approaches, you can differentiate yourself from the competition, establish credibility and trust, and position your agency as a leader in the industry. Remember that acquiring clients is an ongoing process, and it requires dedication, persistence, and continuous learning. With the right strategies in place, you can attract and retain clients who are genuinely interested in what your digital marketing agency has to offer.