5-Figure Per Month AI Digital Marketing Agency Model (Behind The Scenes)

I’m here to share an exciting behind-the-scenes look at the 5-Figure Per Month AI Digital Marketing Agency Model by Jason Wardrop. This unique approach challenges the traditional methods preached by online gurus. Instead of targeting global clients and charging high fees for Facebook ads, this model focuses on local businesses like chiropractors, dentists, massage therapists, and realtors. The best part? You only need to set up the client once and there’s no ongoing fulfillment. By leveraging systems and tools, you can easily scale your business without prior marketing experience or any upfront investment. Find out the three simple steps to get started and enjoy a simple side hustle with consistent recurring monthly income. If this model interests you, show your support by giving it a like and feel free to follow along on Jason Wardrop’s YouTube channel for a more detailed explanation.

Once again, I’m thrilled to bring you an exclusive glimpse into the 5-Figure Per Month AI Digital Marketing Agency Model. This game-changing approach breaks away from the norm and offers an alternative to the usual online marketing strategies. Rather than targeting international clients and charging exorbitant fees, this model focuses on local businesses. From chiropractors to dentists, massage therapists to realtors, the potential is immense. With just three simple steps, you can get started today and set up local clients with the necessary tools to attract more customers. It’s a low-risk, high-reward opportunity that requires no prior marketing experience and no upfront investment. If this resonates with you, give it a like and feel free to follow Jason Wardrop for more insights and guidance on his YouTube channel.

The 5-Figure Per Month AI Digital Marketing Agency Model


Welcome to the world of the 5-Figure Per Month AI Digital Marketing Agency Model! In this article, we will take you behind the scenes of this revolutionary approach to building a successful digital marketing agency. Unlike traditional methods that require expensive ad campaigns and ongoing fulfillment, this model leverages systems and tools to scale your business while providing consistent monthly income. The best part? You don’t need any prior marketing experience or money to get started. So let’s dive in and discover how you can create a thriving digital marketing agency with just a few simple steps.

Overview of the Model

The 5-Figure Per Month AI Digital Marketing Agency Model takes a contrary approach to the traditional digital marketing agency model. Rather than charging thousands of dollars per month to run Facebook ads for local clients, this model focuses on providing simple tools to help them attract more clients themselves. With this approach, you only need to set up the tools once, and there’s no ongoing fulfillment required. By leveraging systems and tools, you can scale your business without the need for costly advertising campaigns. And the best part? You don’t need any prior marketing experience or money to get started.

Behind the Scenes

The Contrary Approach

Unlike what the online gurus might tell you, the 5-Figure Per Month AI Digital Marketing Agency Model doesn’t involve charging exorbitant fees to run Facebook ads for local clients. Instead, this model flips the script and empowers clients to attract more customers themselves by providing them with simple tools. By taking this contrary approach, you can differentiate yourself from the competition and offer a unique value proposition to your clients.

Leveraging Systems and Tools

The key to success in the 5-Figure Per Month AI Digital Marketing Agency Model lies in leveraging systems and tools. These tools are designed to help your clients attract and retain customers, and you only need to set them up once. This allows you to focus on acquiring more clients and expanding your business, rather than getting bogged down in ongoing fulfillment tasks. By using automation and artificial intelligence, you can streamline your operations and maximize your efficiency.

No Ongoing Fulfillment

One of the biggest advantages of the 5-Figure Per Month AI Digital Marketing Agency Model is that there is no ongoing fulfillment required. Once you set up the tools for your clients, they can continue to use them without any additional effort on your part. This means you can scale your business without being limited by the number of clients you can personally assist. With the right systems and tools in place, you can provide value to a large number of clients simultaneously, ensuring long-term success and a steady stream of income.

No Prior Marketing Experience or Money Required

Perhaps the most enticing aspect of the 5-Figure Per Month AI Digital Marketing Agency Model is that it requires no prior marketing experience or money to get started. You don’t need to be an expert marketer or have a large budget to build a successful agency. The tools and systems provided are easy to set up and use, requiring only basic technical skills. This means anyone with the desire to succeed can enter the world of digital marketing and create a thriving agency.

Three Steps to Get Started

Step 1: Finding Local Clients

The first step in starting your 5-Figure Per Month AI Digital Marketing Agency is to find local clients who can benefit from your services. Target businesses such as chiropractors, dentists, massage therapists, or even realtors who are looking to attract more customers. These businesses typically have a local customer base and can greatly benefit from the tools and systems you offer.

Step 2: Setting Up Three Simple Tools

Once you have identified your target clients, the next step is to set them up with three simple tools that will help them attract more customers. The setup process is quick and easy, taking only about 15 minutes. All you need to do is copy and paste the necessary information into the tools, and your clients will be ready to start using them. These tools are designed to automate and simplify the customer acquisition process, making it easy for your clients to see results.

Step 3: Charging $500 per Month

After setting up the tools for your clients, the final step is to charge them a monthly fee of $500 for access to these valuable resources. This fee is affordable for most businesses and provides you with a consistent recurring monthly income. By offering a high-value service at an affordable price, you can easily attract and retain clients, ensuring the long-term success of your agency.

Benefits of the Model

Simple Side Hustle

The 5-Figure Per Month AI Digital Marketing Agency Model offers a simple and straightforward side hustle opportunity. With just a few simple steps, you can set up a profitable agency that generates consistent monthly income. Whether you’re looking to supplement your current job or explore a new career path, this model provides a flexible and low-risk option for earning extra money.

Consistent Recurring Monthly Income

Unlike other business models that rely on one-time sales or project-based work, the 5-Figure Per Month AI Digital Marketing Agency Model provides a consistent recurring monthly income. By charging your clients a monthly fee for access to the tools and systems you provide, you can ensure a stable cash flow that grows with each new client you acquire. With consistent income, you can focus on growing your agency and achieving your financial goals.

No Prior Marketing Experience or Money Required

One of the most significant advantages of the 5-Figure Per Month AI Digital Marketing Agency Model is that it doesn’t require any prior marketing experience or money to get started. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or a complete beginner, you can enter this industry and build a successful agency. The tools and systems provided are designed to be user-friendly and require only basic technical skills. This means that anyone with the desire to succeed can take advantage of this model and create a thriving business.


The 5-Figure Per Month AI Digital Marketing Agency Model offers a revolutionary approach to building a successful digital marketing agency. By providing simple tools and leveraging automation and artificial intelligence, you can scale your business and generate consistent recurring monthly income. With no prior marketing experience or money required, this model presents an excellent opportunity for anyone looking to start a side hustle or explore a new career path. So take the plunge today and embark on a journey towards financial freedom and entrepreneurial success.