Three Core Sales Funnels for Generating Millions of Dollars

In the video titled “How To Get 27 Digital Marketing Clients Per Week | SMMA Clients 2023” by Jason Wardrop, he shares his experience and success in generating over 15,000 paying clients for his real estate SaaS digital marketing agency. Jason discusses three core sales funnels that have resulted in millions of dollars in revenue. The first sales funnel is a classic webinar funnel, where traffic is directed to a webinar registration page followed by a thank you page. Jason explains the structure and benefits of live webinars and emphasizes the importance of optimizing payment plans. The second sales funnel is a video sales letter (VSL) sales funnel, using a 15-20 minute VSL video to sell the idea of booking a call with the team. The third sales funnel is a follow-up funnel for leads who initially didn’t purchase, offering a 30-day lead challenge. Jason’s strategies and insights are backed by proven data and aim to enhance lead generation and client acquisition efforts in digital marketing.

First Sales Funnel: Classic Webinar Funnel

Webinar registration page

In the classic webinar funnel, the first step is to create a compelling webinar registration page. This page should have an attention-grabbing headline, a clear call to action, and a brief description of what participants can expect to learn during the webinar. It’s crucial to highlight the value and benefits of attending the webinar to entice visitors to sign up.

Thank you page

After visitors sign up for the webinar, they should be redirected to a thank you page. This page serves as confirmation of their registration and provides them with additional details, such as the date, time, and any special instructions for accessing the live webinar. The thank you page also sets the stage for what participants can expect during the webinar and builds anticipation for the event.

Live webinar structure and benefits

During the live webinar, it’s important to have a well-structured presentation that captures and maintains the attendees’ attention. The webinar should be informative, engaging, and provide valuable insights or solutions to the audience’s pain points. By providing valuable content, the presenter can establish authority and credibility, which can lead to higher conversion rates.

Price points and focus on recurring software subscriptions

In the classic webinar funnel, the price points are often in the range of $997 for a one-time payment or three payments of $367. The focus of this sales funnel is to promote recurring software subscriptions. By emphasizing the benefits and value of the software, such as time-saving features or automation capabilities, attendees are more likely to see the long-term value and commit to a subscription plan.

Optimizing payment plan structure

To encourage participants to choose the full payment option rather than a payment plan, it’s essential to optimize the payment plan structure. This can be done by offering incentives for the full payment, such as a discount or bonus resources. By positioning the full payment as the more advantageous option, attendees are more likely to choose it, thereby increasing immediate revenue.

Data-backed insights and strategies

Throughout the webinar funnel, it’s crucial to rely on data-backed insights and strategies. This means using metrics and analytics to make informed decisions about pricing, payment plans, and upsells. By analyzing conversion rates, revenue generated, and customer behavior, marketers can refine their sales funnels and optimize their strategies for better results.

Order Form Bump and Upsells

Introduction to the order form bump

In addition to the initial purchase, marketers can include an order form bump to increase the average order value. An order form bump is a simple add-on or upgrade that appears on the second page of the form. It offers a convenient way for customers to enhance their purchase and provides an opportunity to increase revenue without adding additional expenses in terms of marketing or customer acquisition.

Specific time period for the order form bump

To maximize the effectiveness of the order form bump, it’s essential to have a specific time period during which it is available. By creating a sense of scarcity or urgency, customers are more likely to take advantage of the offer. This timeframe can be communicated through persuasive copy and design elements that convey a limited-time opportunity.

Full payment or payment plan options

When presenting the order form bump, it’s important to offer both full payment and payment plan options. This allows customers to choose the option that best suits their budget and preferences. By providing flexibility, marketers can increase the likelihood of a purchase and cater to a broader range of customers.

Addition of a $297 messenger templates add-on

One specific example of an order form bump is the addition of a $297 messenger templates add-on. This add-on can enhance the customer’s experience by providing them with pre-designed templates for messaging apps, such as Facebook Messenger. By highlighting the convenience and time-saving benefits of this add-on, customers are more likely to see the value and make the additional purchase.

Increasing revenue through the order form bump

By implementing the order form bump effectively, marketers can significantly increase their revenue. Even if a small percentage of customers choose to add the bump to their purchase, the additional revenue can be substantial. This extra revenue can then be reinvested in advertising and lead generation efforts, resulting in even more leads and potential customers.

Initial hesitation with upsells

Some marketers may feel hesitant about using upsells, fearing that it may come across as pushy or overwhelming to customers. However, it’s important to recognize that upsells can be an effective way to increase revenue and provide additional value to customers. By presenting upsells in a non-intrusive and relevant manner, marketers can overcome initial hesitation and capitalize on the opportunity to enhance the customer’s experience.

Success with a high-priced upsell

Despite initial reservations, many marketers have seen significant success with high-priced upsells. By offering a premium product or service, marketers can tap into a segment of customers who are willing to invest more to receive additional benefits or features. In Jason’s case, introducing a $2,497 upsell resulted in a substantial revenue boost and demonstrated the potential for generating revenue without the need for direct customer consultation.

Introduction of a $2,497 upsell

One successful example of a high-priced upsell was the introduction of a $2,497 upsell. This upsell offered a done-for-you setup package, providing customers with a comprehensive and convenient solution to their needs. By positioning this upsell as a valuable investment that saves time and effort, customers were more inclined to make the purchase.

Upsell purchase without phone consultation

To streamline the upsell process, it’s possible to offer upsells that do not require a phone consultation. While phone consultations can be beneficial for building relationships and addressing customer concerns, they are not always necessary for every upsell. By allowing customers to make upsell purchases directly, marketers can automate the process and generate revenue without extensive direct interaction.

Revenue generated without talking to customers

By incorporating order form bumps and upsells effectively, marketers can generate significant revenue even without directly talking to customers. This automation not only saves time and resources but also allows for scalability. The revenue generated from these automated upsells can then be reinvested to drive further growth and expansion.

Second Sales Funnel: Video Sales Letter (VSL) Funnel

Using a 15-20 minute VSL video

The second sales funnel is the Video Sales Letter (VSL) funnel, which involves utilizing a 15-20 minute video to deliver the sales message. This video serves as a persuasive tool to capture the attention of viewers and create a connection with the audience. The VSL should highlight the unique selling points of the product or service and present a compelling reason for viewers to take action.

Selling the idea of booking a call with the team

The primary goal of the VSL funnel is to sell the idea of booking a call with the team. By positioning the call as an opportunity to discuss the customer’s specific needs and provide personalized solutions, marketers can create a sense of exclusivity and value. The VSL should emphasize the benefits of this personalized approach and the expertise of the team members.

Offering higher ticket programs

In the VSL funnel, it’s important to offer higher ticket programs to cater to customers looking for more advanced services or premium features. These programs should provide additional value and benefits compared to the standard offerings. By presenting these higher ticket programs as exclusive opportunities, marketers can attract customers who are willing to invest more for a superior experience or outcome.

Advanced services for customers

Within the higher ticket programs, it’s essential to offer advanced services that go beyond the standard offerings. These advanced services can include personalized coaching, customized strategies, or exclusive access to specialized resources. By highlighting the uniqueness and value of these advanced services, marketers can attract a select group of customers who are seeking a higher level of expertise and support.

Third Sales Funnel: Follow-Up Funnel

Targeting leads who didn’t purchase initially

The third sales funnel, known as the Follow-Up Funnel, is designed to target leads who didn’t make a purchase initially. These leads may have shown interest but were not ready to commit at that time. By implementing a follow-up strategy, marketers can nurture these leads and eventually convert them into customers.

Offering a 30-day lead challenge

To engage and entice leads, the Follow-Up Funnel can include an offer for a 30-day lead challenge. This challenge promises to deliver a specific number of leads within the designated timeframe. By presenting this challenge as an opportunity for growth and success, marketers can motivate leads to take action and overcome any hesitations they may have.

Promise of 15 leads

As part of the 30-day lead challenge, marketers can make a promise to deliver a certain number of leads, such as 15 leads. By setting clear expectations and demonstrating the potential benefits of the challenge, leads are more likely to see the value and commit to participating.

Conversion rate through the challenge offer

Tracking the conversion rate through the challenge offer is crucial to assess the effectiveness of the Follow-Up Funnel. By analyzing the number of leads who completed the challenge and eventually made a purchase, marketers can gauge the success of their follow-up strategy. This data can then be used to optimize the funnel and refine future follow-up campaigns.

Increasing monthly recurring revenue

The Follow-Up Funnel not only aims to convert leads into customers but also focuses on increasing monthly recurring revenue. By nurturing leads and maintaining a positive relationship with them, marketers can encourage ongoing purchases and subscription renewals. This can result in a more stable and predictable revenue stream, enhancing the overall profitability of the business.

Opportunity to get sales funnels and course for free

As an added incentive, the Follow-Up Funnel can offer the opportunity to get sales funnels and a course for free. By utilizing a trial sign-up for a platform like Go High Level, marketers can provide leads with valuable resources and insights at no cost, demonstrating the potential benefits and value of their offerings. This strategy not only helps build credibility but also encourages leads to take action and engage further with the business.


In conclusion, these three core sales funnels have proven to be highly effective in generating millions of dollars in revenue for Jason Wardrop’s real estate SaaS digital marketing agency. The classic webinar funnel, order form bump and upsells, VSL funnel, and Follow-Up Funnel each have their unique advantages and strategies.

By implementing the classic webinar funnel, marketers can leverage live webinars to engage and convert leads, with a focus on recurring software subscriptions. The order form bump and upsells provide opportunities to increase revenue and enhance the customer experience. The VSL funnel allows for personalized and high-ticket offerings, while the Follow-Up Funnel nurtures leads and increases recurring revenue.

Drawing on data-backed insights and strategies, marketers can optimize their sales funnels to improve lead generation and client acquisition. By following these proven techniques, marketers can drive their own success in the digital marketing industry and achieve their goals.