Learn How to Make $5K per Week from Home with Jason Wardrop’s Video

Hey, there! In this video by Jason Wardrop, you’ll discover some amazing ways to make $5,000 per week by working from the comfort of your own home. This side hustle is perfect for beginners, as it doesn’t require any marketing experience, technical skills, or upfront investment. Jason provides proof of his earnings and testimonials from others who have successfully implemented this method. The business model he discusses involves helping small local business owners with their marketing solutions, using systems and tools to automate fulfillment for clients. From plumbers to chiropractors, this opportunity is open to various local business owners. In the video, Jason offers free training and a 30-day free trial of the software he uses. So, don’t miss out on this chance to start earning $5,000 per week from home!

Ready to start making money from home? Look no further! Jason Wardrop has got you covered. In this video, he breaks down a simple and beginner-friendly method for making $5,000 per week without leaving your house. No marketing experience or tech skills required! Jason shows you exactly how to set up systems and tools to automate fulfillment for your clients, all while helping local business owners with their marketing needs. From a streamlined unified inbox to a website chat widget, he provides simple yet effective strategies to increase conversions and connect with leads. Plus, with proof of earnings and testimonials from successful individuals, you’ll be inspired and confident in trying out this side hustle. Don’t forget to click on the link in the video and take advantage of the bonuses Jason offers. So, get ready to kickstart your journey to making $5,000 per week from home!


In this comprehensive article, we will be discussing the strategies and methods outlined in Jason Wardrop’s video on how to make $5,000 per week working from home. We will provide an overview of the video and include a disclosure statement to ensure transparency. Whether you are a beginner or have no marketing experience, this side hustle can help you generate a substantial income without the need for any initial investment. So let’s dive in and learn how you can start earning from the comfort of your own home!

Overview of Jason Wardrop’s Video

Jason Wardrop’s video is centered around a side hustle that can help you make $5,000 per week working from home. He presents a proven method that is ideal for beginners, as it requires no marketing experience, tech skills, or upfront investment. With his own account as proof, Jason demonstrates that this side hustle is not just a theory but a viable opportunity to generate substantial revenue consistently.

Disclosure Statement

It is important to note that the person promoting the video, in this case, is independent from HighLevel. They receive referral payments from HighLevel but are not an agent or employee of the company. The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and not representative of HighLevel Inc or any of its subsidiaries.


To make the most of Jason Wardrop’s strategies, he offers several bonuses when you sign up using his affiliate link. These bonuses are designed to complement the main methods provided in the video and enhance your chances of success. It is crucial not to use an ad blocker or chrome extension when clicking on the link to ensure proper affiliate tracking and receive the bonuses.

Description of Bonuses Offered

The bonuses offered include:

  1. Agency Partner Program: This bonus, which typically sells for $997, teaches you how to acquire your first clients and automate fulfillment.

  2. AI SaaS Accelerator: Jason reveals how to leverage AI technology to book dozens of appointments and sign-ups every day.

  3. Real Estate Agency Accelerator: Discover how to gain over 15,000 paying clients for your real estate SaaS agency.

  4. Affiliate Cashflow Academy: Learn how to become the top referring HighLevel Affiliate with over 22,500 referrals.

  5. Private Members Community: Gain access to a private community where you can network and learn from like-minded individuals.

  6. Weekly Group Coaching Calls with Jason: Join weekly coaching calls with Jason himself and stay updated on the latest strategies.

  7. 1 on 1 Business Kickoff Call: Receive personalized coaching and guidance to kickstart your own business successfully.

Importance of Not Using Ad Blocker or Chrome Extension

To ensure that you receive the bonuses mentioned, it is essential not to use an ad blocker or chrome extension when clicking on the affiliate link. These tools might block the affiliate tracking, preventing you from receiving the bonuses. By following this guideline, you can maximize the benefits of the video and the additional resources provided.

Proof and Testimonials

To validate the effectiveness of Jason Wardrop’s strategies, he provides earnings proof and testimonials from individuals who have achieved success using the same methods. This evidence serves to demonstrate that anyone can replicate these results with determination and commitment.

Earnings Proof Provided by Jason Wardrop

Jason shares his own revenue account to showcase the efficacy of the system he proposes. This monthly recurring revenue is a testament to the sustainability of the side hustle. By following the steps outlined in the video, you too can generate a consistent income stream that grows month after month.

Testimonials from Successful Individuals

In addition to his personal earnings proof, Jason presents testimonials from numerous individuals who have achieved impressive results using his strategies. These success stories highlight the wide range of people who have benefited from this side hustle, from those making $75,000 per month to others earning $10,000 per week. The testimonials provide real-life examples of how the system can transform your financial situation.

Business Model

Jason Wardrop’s side hustle revolves around helping local business owners with their marketing needs. However, it is essential to note that this is not the traditional social media marketing agency model that involves running Facebook ads or doing SEO for clients. Instead, this model focuses on setting up systems, software, and tools to automate fulfillment for clients. By streamlining the process, you can save time and effort while providing effective marketing solutions to small local businesses.

Helping Local Business Owners with Marketing Solutions

The primary objective of this business model is to assist small local business owners in marketing their services effectively. By offering simple marketing solutions, you can empower these business owners to reach their target audience and grow their customer base. The focus is on setting up the necessary systems and tools that will enable the automation of most of the fulfillment processes, ensuring efficiency and scalability.

Importance of Automation and Systems

One of the key advantages of this business model is the utilization of automation and systems. By implementing these tools, you can minimize the time and effort required for fulfilling clients’ marketing needs. This allows you to work smarter, not harder, and achieve significant scalability. Automating repetitive tasks and streamlining communication channels are crucial elements of this side hustle, enabling you to handle multiple clients without being overwhelmed.

Target Clients

When implementing Jason Wardrop’s strategies, it is essential to target specific types of local business owners. Identifying your ideal clients will help you tailor your marketing solutions to their unique needs and challenges.

Types of Local Business Owners Targeted

The target clients for this side hustle are small local business owners in various industries. Examples of potential clients include plumbers, electricians, massage therapists, dentists, chiropractors, orthodontists, and many more. These businesses often rely on traditional marketing methods and may not have the time or expertise to explore digital marketing strategies fully. By offering them a comprehensive solution, you can provide immense value and help them achieve their growth goals.

Examples of Targeted Industries

To give you a clearer understanding, here are more examples of industries that can benefit from your services in this side hustle:

  1. Home Services: This includes professions such as plumbers, electricians, interior designers, HVAC technicians, and painters.

  2. Health and Wellness: Businesses like chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists, nutritionists, and personal trainers fall under this category.

  3. Professional Services: Lawyers, accountants, consultants, financial advisors, and architects are some of the professions that can benefit from your marketing solutions.

  4. Retail and E-commerce: Businesses selling goods, both in physical stores and online, can also benefit from your expertise. This includes clothing stores, gift shops, electronics retailers, and online marketplaces.

By targeting a diverse range of industries, you can tap into numerous opportunities and ensure a steady flow of clients for your side hustle.

Services Offered

To provide effective marketing solutions to your local business clients, it is crucial to understand the services you can offer. The following services will help you meet their needs and deliver tangible results.

Unified Inbox for Streamlined Communication

One of the core services you can offer is a unified inbox system. This system centralizes all client communication, ensuring that no lead or client contact is missed. By connecting various platforms such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, and more, you can streamline all incoming messages into one easy-to-manage inbox. This invaluable tool saves your clients time, prevents missed opportunities, and improves their overall customer service.

Website Chat Widget for Increased Conversions

Another essential service you can provide is the implementation of a website chat widget. This widget serves to optimize your clients’ websites for lead generation and customer engagement. Typical websites often convert less than 1% of visitors into leads, but with a well-designed chat widget, you can significantly improve this conversion rate. By customizing and embedding the widget on your clients’ websites, you can capture visitor information and enable real-time conversations, leading to higher conversions and sales.

Reputation Management for More Five-Star Reviews

Building and maintaining a positive online reputation is crucial for any business. As part of your marketing solution, you can offer reputation management services to your clients. This involves monitoring online reviews and ratings, responding to customer feedback, and leveraging satisfied customers to generate more five-star reviews. A strong online reputation boosts customer trust and can significantly impact the success of local businesses.

Automation to Connect with Leads Within Five Minutes

Promptly responding to leads is essential for converting potential customers into paying clients. By implementing automation tools, you can ensure that your clients never miss an opportunity. Automating lead follow-up processes allows you to connect with leads within five minutes, significantly increasing the chances of conversion. This service will prove invaluable to your clients, as it maximizes their lead generation efforts and provides them with a competitive advantage.

Method and Requirements

Jason Wardrop’s side hustle method is designed to be beginner-friendly, requiring no prior marketing experience or tech skills. Here’s an overview of what you need to get started:

Beginner-Friendly Method

This side hustle is specifically tailored for beginners, ensuring that anyone can follow along and implement the strategies outlined in the video. The step-by-step instructions make it easy to understand, even for those with no prior knowledge of digital marketing or business development.

No Marketing Experience or Tech Skills Required

What makes this side hustle unique is that it does not demand any marketing experience or technical skills. The system provided by Jason Wardrop is straightforward to implement and does not require extensive training or expertise. As long as you can follow instructions and have a willingness to learn, you can succeed in this side hustle.

No Initial Investment Needed

Unlike many other business opportunities, Jason Wardrop’s side hustle requires no initial investment. You do not need to purchase expensive software or tools to get started. By leveraging the resources and strategies outlined in the video, you can build your business gradually without incurring any upfront costs.

Free Training and Trial

To help you excel in this side hustle, Jason Wardrop offers free training and a 30-day trial of the software he recommends. These resources provide you with valuable insights, tips, and techniques to implement the strategies effectively.

Overview of the Free Training Offered

The free training provided by Jason offers in-depth guidance on setting up and running your own digital marketing agency. It covers everything from finding clients to fulfilling their marketing needs efficiently. By following the training, you can gain the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in this side hustle.

30-Day Free Trial of the Software

To implement the strategies effectively, Jason recommends using specific software tools. As part of the side hustle training, you will receive a 30-day free trial of this software. This trial period allows you to familiarize yourself with the tools, explore their features, and understand how they can enhance your business operations. It also provides an opportunity to determine if the software aligns with your needs before making any financial commitments.


In conclusion, Jason Wardrop’s video offers a comprehensive breakdown of a side hustle that allows you to make $5,000 per week working from home. By following the step-by-step instructions and utilizing the resources provided, anyone can succeed in this endeavor. The business model of helping local business owners with marketing solutions, the range of services offered, and the focus on automation and systems make this side hustle both efficient and scalable.

If you are looking to generate a substantial income without requiring marketing experience, tech skills, or an initial investment, this side hustle is worth exploring. Take advantage of the free training and trial offered by Jason Wardrop to gain the knowledge and tools necessary for success. By implementing the strategies outlined in the video, you can start earning from the comfort of your own home and achieve your financial goals.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity – learn more and implement these strategies today!